3 Healthy Drinks For Weight Loss

Drinks to lose weight?  It’s possible. We just have to pay attention to our nutrition, that it is varied and contains the vitamins, proteins, fibers and minerals necessary to cover our daily needs, without there being any deficiency.

Natural juices and other liquids are a great way to combine different foods that will gradually help us lose fat. We explain how.

Healthy liquids for weight loss

1. Pineapple and Aloe vera drink

Pineapple for weight loss.

It is one of the most popular drinks for weight loss. We already know the great virtues of pineapple, laxative, diuretic, disinfectant, rejuvenating, rich in antioxidants. 

If we combine it with the wonderful properties of aloe, it becomes one of the most hydrating, purifying and detoxifying drinks.  It takes care of our digestive system and intestines by eliminating toxins, excess fat and it detoxifies.

This drink serves us as a magnificent tonic to take care of our health, and gradually reach an appropriate weight.

How to take it

  • It is very simple. This diet, being detoxifying, could be followed for four days to be followed twice a month. Thus, we eliminate toxins and harmful fats.
    During these four days, it is necessary to follow a diet consisting of salads, wholemeal bread, fruits and vegetables. To do this, it is necessary to take two glasses of pineapple juice at breakfast.
  • Then, after the two main meals, lunch and dinner, you have to take a bowl of aloe vera juice. How to prepare it? You will only have to cut an aloe vera leaf. Remove the thorns, open it and leave the white and juicy part in the center, the most gelatinous.
    Now put it in a blender and add half a glass of any juice such as lemon or orange juice. This way it will be more pleasant and easier to obtain an aloe vera juice.

2. Green colored drink

The green drink to lose weight.

A green drink? Sure, it’s green, but delicious, healthy, and a calorie and fat burner. What is it made of? This wonderful liquid contains parsley, lemon, celery, spinach, ginger, cucumber and apple.

These few elements are full of vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber, folic acid, omega 3, antioxidants.

You should take it for 10 days in a row with lunch, and then not take it for 20 days.

How to take it

  • As we told you, you will need to take this very effective liquid in the morning for ten days. To prepare it is very easy, you only need to wash all the ingredients, which are the following: the juice of one lemon, three pieces of parsley, a stalk of celery, 3 leaves of spinach, a spoon of grated ginger , a medium cucumber and 1 apple without seeds but with the skin.
  • Put all this in the blender and try to obtain a very homogeneous juice. If you add a glass of cool water, it will be easier to achieve this. And it’s delicious! You will start the day with great energy, without feeling the need to snack.
    After ten days, you will have lost unnecessary fat and cleansed your body. But remember, during those 10 days, cut down on high fat food. Sweets, refined flour, sugary drinks.

3. Watermelon and prickly pear juice for weight loss

Nopal juice for weight loss.

We all know the great benefits of the prickly pear. Some people know it better under the name of nopal, a plant with great medicinal properties and which, according to different studies, is very effective for weight loss.

It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and very few calories. If combined with watermelon in addition, this drink becomes excellent for losing fat and filling up with excellent nutrients.

How to take it

  • Take this drink with breakfast for 10 days. In the same way as the previous green drink, also stop 20 days, to then resume.
  • When preparing it, take a medium, thornless nopal. Then take the juice of a grapefruit and put it in the blender. This step is important, so that the prickly pear gives us all its juice and its properties. You can add half a glass of cool water. Drink it for breakfast.

Of the three liquids presented here, you can choose the one that tempts you the most and whose ingredients seem easiest to find. Remember to be consistent and accompany these juices with a balanced, varied, low-fat diet and exercise every day.

For example, it suffices to go out for a walk for an hour a day. It costs nothing !

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