3 Tips For Treating Stomach Acid

Gastric acidity is a fairly common condition. It causes irritation of the esophagus due to gastric juices. Factors like poor diet, stress, and harmful habits like smoking can cause this disease.

Stomach acid, also known as heartburn or pyrosis, is one of the most common conditions in humans. As the name suggests, it is triggered by acids in the stomach.

The main feature of this condition is the discomfort and the burning sensation felt in the esophageal area. The burning sensation is located on the upper part of the stomach.

To locate the area affected by heartburn, the lower part of the breastbone is used as a reference point. If the discomfort develops from there, it’s probably heartburn.

In summary, this type of acidity is the irritation of the esophagus due to the production of gastric juices.

Causes of gastric acidity

Causes of gastric acidity.

Although most of the causes of this condition revolve around diet, the causes are actually quite varied. Here are some of the most common:

  • Excessive stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Medicines (not all have this effect).
  • Smoking
  • Foods that irritate the stomach
  • Too large portions consumed during meals (morning, afternoon and evening)

Considering the causes mentioned above, the treatment is not very complex to perform. In addition, there are alternatives to avoid it or treat it permanently.

Recommendations for the treatment of gastric acidity

Food is fundamental. Not only for heartburn, but also in terms of general health. Here are three tips for preventing and treating heartburn.

1. Take into account schedules and quantities

Treatment of gastric acidity.

One of the most important factors associated with eating is the time schedules and the amount of food. Many people don’t know how much and when to eat certain foods, especially breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

With regard to the schedules, it is necessary to take into account the schedules of exercise, the journeys between home and work and the hours of sleep. Taking this into account, you should consume the portion corresponding to each type of activity, at least two hours before starting.

In terms of quantity, it is ideal to provide the necessary calories in at least 6 servings throughout the day with moderate components. These two factors will help prevent heartburn.

2. Eat healthy foods

This recommendation is aimed not only at preventing and treating heartburn, but also at strengthening the health of the body in general. Eating a balanced diet of vegetables, fish and other similar foods is good for the stomach.

Thus, there will be no more need to expel the acids. On the other hand, the digestive process will also be very much easier. Based on these tips, it is also necessary to limit the consumption of foods that stimulate excessive acidity, such as coffee, chocolate, vinegar, fruits, soft drinks, citrus juices and foods. fried.

What foods to include in the diet?

Foods to consume against gastric acidity.

In order to develop a good food program against gastric acidity, it is necessary to resort to foods with favorable properties for the digestive system and the treatment of gastric juices, such as:

  • Yogurt, milk and cheese: these dairy products must be completely skimmed.
  • Egg: at least four per week to regulate blood cholesterol levels and gastric imbalance.
  • Vegetables: recommended in this diet. However, it is not recommended to eat them raw. To do this, it is better to cook or boil them.
  • Chicken and fish: these are the two most favorable types of meat for the digestive system, recommended in the prevention and treatment of gastric acidity. Consumption of other seafood is also recommended. On the other hand, for red meats, only those without fat are authorized, for example, veal.

3. Choose fluids correctly

Liquids are essential for the digestive process. Depending on their type, the body reacts appropriately or inappropriately. In the case of heartburn, there are drinks that promote it. Soda and alcohol are a clear example.

Therefore, natural non-citric infusions and juices are a great option. In addition to drinking two liters of water a day, as it greatly helps the digestive system.

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