4 Infusions To Lower Blood Sugar

Infusions are the easiest way to take advantage of the medicinal properties of plants and their benefits.

Herbal teas are the easiest way to take advantage of a plant’s medicinal properties and use it to lower blood sugar.

The most common way to prepare an infusion is to use small sachets that can be found in any supermarket. However, for the recipes that we are going to give you below, we will need the loose, dry or fresh plants.

You can find them in markets or in organic stores.

How to prepare an infusion?

The process is very simple and you only need:


  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of the leaves, flowers or roots of the dry herb of your choice (10 g) or alternatively 2 tablespoons (20 g), if the grass is fresh.


  • A teapot or container
  • A cup

What should you do ?

  • Place the herb and hot water in the teapot.
  • Leave to rest for 7 minutes.
  • Once the time has elapsed, strain the liquid into the cup.

There is also an optional step, which is adding honey to sweeten it. However, since the purpose of our infusions is to lower blood sugar, we will not sweeten the infusion.

This same process works for all infusions.

Why lower blood sugar?

why lower blood sugar

Too much glucose in the blood, or hyperglycemia, is bad for our health.

While it is certain that we need sugar for daily energy, going beyond the limits can lead to pre-diabetes and, if we are not concerned with lowering blood sugar, to have diabetes. .

It should be noted that a person may have prediabetes and not have any symptoms.

On the other hand, people who already have diabetes should pay special attention to their diet and constantly check their glucose levels.

Likewise, it is recommended to consult a doctor before including the infusions mentioned below in your nutritional habits.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a herbaceous plant native to Europe and southern Asia. It is used in oriental cuisine as a condiment.

Its medicinal uses are numerous. This herb helps treat:

  • Gastritis
  • High cholesterol
  • Oral and pharyngeal inflammations
  • It is also good for the liver

Thanks to its content in coumarins, nicotinic acid and trigonelline, it is therefore used to lower blood sugar in cases of diabetes not dependent on insulin.

Numerous studies show that fenugreek, in addition to reducing the amount of carbohydrates absorbed, also improves the peripheral action of insulin.

Consumption method

  • Drink one cup of fenugreek infusion per day, for a month.
  • Let the body rest for a week and then repeat the treatment.

2. Ginseng

Ginseng is the name used to refer to several species of the Panax family .

Although it grows wild in mountainous regions, from Nepal to Manchuria and from Eastern Siberia to Korea, due to demand it is also cultivated in other countries.

Its glucose-reducing (hypoglycemic) action is due to its panaxan content, which promotes this function.

Consumption method

  • Drink a cup of ginseng root infusion every day for three months.
  • After the quarter has passed, take a break for a month.
  • After medical evaluation you can consume it again, but never exceed the nine week period.

ginseng to lower blood sugar

3. Chamomile

Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant widely known for its antispasmodic and digestive properties.

In addition, it also has qualities that allow it to treat pain such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Hemorrhoids

In addition to lowering blood sugar, chamomile increases glycogen storage in the liver and also protects the pancreas from oxidative stress caused by excess glucose.

Consumption method

  • Drink three cups a day of chamomile flower infusion after meals.

4. Green tea

Green tea comes from the tea plant ( Camellia Sinensis ) and is native to China, although its consumption has spread across the globe.

It has antioxidant qualities, thanks to the catechins it contains and its content of beta-carotene and vitamins C and E.

Its effectiveness in reducing glucose levels is due to the polysaccharides present in its leaves which act like insulin.

Consumption method

  • Drink between 3 and 5 cups per day of green tea leaves, for two months.
  • But do not consume this infusion on an empty stomach.
  • After taking this treatment, it is necessary to undergo a medical evaluation before resuming it.

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