5 Great Tips To Be Proud Of Your Skin

Did you know that sleeping is one of the best treatments for great skin? While sleeping, our body purifies and oxygenates itself, thus bringing shine and health to our skin which appears less inflamed.

Healthy skin is a reflection of good health and one of the most important signs of beauty.  The passage of time, the effects of the sun, an unbalanced diet and stress are your skin’s biggest enemies. But how can you be proud of your skin?

What can you do to make it look better?

Often times we spend a lot of money on beauty treatments, creams and cosmetics from top brands. But we assure you that simple home remedies can help.

In this article, you will learn how to have beautiful skin and be proud of your skin. You will love !

1. Your skin is very sensitive, pay attention to the treatments you use

We often spend large sums to buy cosmetic creams which, far from helping us, harm the balance of our skin.

Always read the composition of the products you apply, and especially avoid cleansing lotions that are too acidic, because they dry out your skin.

Try to buy natural creams without chemicals.

2. The importance of exfoliating your skin

how to be proud of your skin - skin exfoliation

Exfoliation of the skin should be part of your beauty routine, which is why you absolutely must remove dead cells so that your skin can regenerate.

The purification of the epidermis is as important as the purification of the kidneys or the liver, for example.

  • An easy way to exfoliate your skin is to use oats, while you shower every day. Apply three tablespoons of oatmeal to your washcloth. Then, when your skin is wet, do a deep massage all over your skin to reactivate and exfoliate it.
  • Coffee is also a great exfoliant. To benefit from its properties, you can use the coffee you have prepared in the morning, put it in a cup, and add 20 ml of almond essential oil. Stir everything well, and apply it to your skin when you shower.
    With the help of a washcloth, perform a circular massage on your skin. If you do it every day, you will have smoother, brighter skin.
  • For your face, you can prepare an excellent exfoliant with a simple spoonful of honey, two ground almonds and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it on your face with your fingers, making a small circular massage. Then all you have to do is rinse off with cold water. The results will be excellent!

3. Better nutrition to be proud of your skin

There are delicious natural juices that can help you regain healthier, younger and brighter skin. Everything you need to be proud of your skin.

These simple remedies can be taken on a daily basis, because in addition to taking care of your skin, they will provide you with excellent vitamins and minerals for your whole body.

Take note of the best juices for your skin:

  • Carrot and apple juice:  great to start the day. To prepare it, you will only need two carrots and a green apple. Clean them well, but don’t peel them, as their skin contains the most nutrients that are beneficial for your skin. Mix them and add a glass of water, you will love it!
  • Strawberry, cucumber and lemon juice:  this tasty juice rich in antioxidants will hydrate your skin by providing it with all the essential nutrients it needs every day. Take 10 strawberries and a small cucumber, wash them well, then mix them with a glass of water. If you add a few ice cubes to them, you will have an ideal refreshing drink for the afternoon.

4. Good hydration of the skin

We have already told you about the great benefits of aloe vera gel. Used regularly, it will allow your skin to be more elastic, healthier and better hydrated.

It is a perfect plant to fight the effects of the sun and premature aging.

  • It is recommended to apply a spoonful of aloe vera gel to your skin every morning. You must distribute it well all over your face so that a very rigid layer forms on your skin. Leave on for 15 minutes, then remove everything with a cotton ball soaked in chamomile infusion. You will see spectacular effects.
  • For the night, you can use another treatment based on rosehip essential oil. Apply 3 drops on a cotton pad, and massage your face.
    In this way, you will repair your skin while hydrating and toning it. It is simply excellent!

5. The biggest secret to being proud of your skin: a good night’s sleep

It might sound silly to you, but one of the biggest secrets to having great skin and being proud of it is getting at least 8 hours of restful sleep a night.

You should know that lack of sleep leads to an acceleration of premature aging, due to free radicals.

The skin loses its shine, the capillaries of the epidermis become inflamed, we accumulate toxins and suffer from water retention.

Immediately, we will see large dark circles appear under the eyes, and not sleeping well automatically raises our body’s cortisol and glucose levels, leading to hypertension and obesity. Surprising, but certain.

Sleeping relaxes us, and allows our body to carry out its functions of purification and oxygenation. As a result, our skin is less inflamed and healthier.

We feel better, and this inner well-being shows on our face.

Keep this in mind, and never forget to get 8 hours of sleep a day. Having young, healthy skin is within everyone’s reach.

You just have to put into practice these few very simple tips. You see how easy it is to be proud of your skin!

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