6 Habits That Can Affect Kidney Health

Here we invite you to discover five bad habits that affect our kidney health. Refraining from urinating is one of them.

Some of our habits can affect our kidney health.

The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering wastes that circulate through the blood stream.   It is estimated that the kidneys process about 190 liters of blood per day and remove two liters of water and toxins. They also play a very important role in the secretion of certain hormones and are key in regulating blood pressure.

However, just like other organs in the body, their functions can be compromised due to the development of certain diseases and the excessive accumulation of wastes.

The problem is that many people don’t know how to take care of it and have certain habits that directly affect the kidneys. What is most worrying is that these people are gradually suffering from a significant deterioration which ends up affecting their quality of life.

For this reason, we are dedicating this article to 6 Bad Habits That Affect Kidney Health. Find out what these habits are.

1. Insufficient water intake can affect kidney health

Woman drinking water

One of the factors that influences the onset of kidney and urinary tract problems is insufficient water consumption. This vital liquid is essential for an optimal detoxification process.

Dehydration can lead to the formation of kidney stones and at the same time develop the risk of infections and inflammatory problems.


  • Drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in water.

2. Excessive salt intake

Although some believe that the build-up of sodium in the body is harmless, it can cause serious imbalances in kidney and cardiovascular health.

Consuming foods with high salt levels is a direct cause of high blood pressure and fluid retention.

Kidneys overloaded with sodium have less ability to remove excess minerals through urine.


  • Replace fine refined table salt with Himalayan or sea salt.
  • Avoid consuming more than three grams of salt per day (half a teaspoon)
  • Look for alternatives to season your dishes with other natural condiments like spices.

3. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages

While the main effects of alcoholic beverages are in liver health, the kidneys are also affected by the toxins they contain.

Regular and excessive alcohol consumption can cause kidney failure and severe tissue damage.


  • Moderate or avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, including red wine.

4. Excessive consumption of red meats can affect kidney health

Although red meats contain certain nutrients that are beneficial to the body, excessive consumption can lead to the development of metabolic  and kidney problems.

The excess of proteins and fats increases the work of the extracting organs and this reduces their ability to eliminate toxins.

On the other hand, red meats have a high content of purines which, once assimilated in the body, are transformed into uric acid. This substance gradually builds up in the tissues and can cause chronic conditions such as kidney stones and gout.


  • Eat a maximum of two servings of meat per week.
  • Replace red meats with healthier ones like chicken, fish or turkey.

5. Refrain from urinating

Woman who wants to urinate

Refraining from urinating is a very dangerous habit that can lead to inflammation and kidney problems.

Even though sometimes one cannot go to the bathroom immediately, one should urinate as soon as possible in order to avoid disturbances in the system. Holding urine for a long time and in a habitual way increases pressure in the urinary tract and affects the kidneys and bladder.


  • Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge to urinate.
  • Avoid drinking excessive fluids when you don’t have a toilet nearby.

6. Abuse of pain relievers

Pain relievers alleviate many common pains, but unfortunately have some side effects when we abuse them.

Their chemicals have to be metabolized in the body, and very frequently they cause kidney and liver problems.


  • Minimize the consumption of analgesic drugs.
  • Replace these medications with natural remedies like herbal teas as soon as you can.

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