6 Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice

If you can’t stand the acidity of lemon juice, even if it is mixed with water, we recommend that you add a little stevia or natural sweetener, but especially no sugar, so as not to negate all its benefits.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is a very easy food to obtain. In addition, it contains many benefits for our health.

We will therefore reveal to you all its medicinal properties to encourage you to consume it every day.

Indeed, many health problems can be solved with this healthy habit. Try it out today!

How to prepare your lemon juice

By lemon juice we mean what is extracted directly from the pulp of the fruit when we squeeze it.

However, to strengthen the effects of this exceptional natural remedy, we advise you to opt for lemons from organic farming,  in fact, you can directly consume their rind, which is very rich in nutrients.

If you can’t find one, use only your fruit juice. Indeed, we must not run the risk of ingesting harmful pesticides.

To use all of your lemon, first cut it into quarters. Then mix it completely for two minutes with a glass of water (200 ml). Finally, filter the resulting liquid and your medicinal lemon juice is ready!

If you decide to use up your citrus fruit entirely, the resulting drink will have a slight bitter taste, in addition to the usual acidity.

If you can’t stand this potent flavor, then you can add some pure stevia to your mix.

Above all, do not add sugar which could interfere with the benefits of your natural juice.

1. A powerful antioxidant

Lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant, which makes it an excellent remedy to prevent the action of free radicals on our body.

It mainly contains vitamin C. However. It also contains flavonoids and beta-carotenes, among others.

Free radicals enter our body through poor lifestyle habits. This is also the case because of an inadequate diet, environmental pollution and stress.

Consuming antioxidant foods helps you stay healthy and delays the effects of aging.

2. A complete cleanser

Lemon is thus one of the most purifying fruits that we can consume. Concretely, it helps us eliminate the toxins that accumulate in our body.

It also supports the functioning of our liver, gallbladder and kidneys. This therefore improves our intestinal transit indirectly.

Its calcium and potassium content also helps us fight water retention and makes the work of our kidneys easier.

3. A natural solution to alkalize our body

Lemon, in addition to being acidic, has the ability to neutralize the acids in our stomach and contributes to the alkalization of our blood, as well as of our whole organism more generally.

Having an overly acidic body is often the result of poor nutrition, negative emotions or environmental pollution. This exposes us to many diseases.

Scientific studies show that it is also effective in preventing cancer, because this disease is largely linked to an organism that is too acidic.

4. A protector of our cardiovascular health

Lemon contains a significant amount of vitamin C and hesperidin, as well as many antioxidants, as we said earlier.

All of these are great for our health because they help improve the elasticity of our veins and arteries, which helps us prevent disorders like high blood pressure, cholesterol, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and arteriosclerosis.

5. An ally of our silhouette

lemon juice

Lemon is ideal for slimming diets because it helps stimulate our metabolism and dissolve fat.

Add to this that it is excellent for eliminating water retention. All these qualities allow us to lose weight gradually and healthily, while helping us to improve our health from a more general point of view.

These properties are explained by its content of vitamin C, pectin and caffeine.

On the other hand, lemon is very filling.  This is very interesting data for controlling our appetite, especially if we consume it before our main meals.

6. A miracle for our digestions

Whether in the form of infusion or juice consumed on an empty stomach, this citrus fruit is an ideal complement to improve our digestions throughout the day.

It prevents acidity, helps us digest fats and proteins and it regulates our appetite.

We can alternate it or substitute it with vinegar in our salads and dressings, add it to all our culinary preparations and consume it in the form of zest in our desserts.

Integrating lemon in our meals will allow us to better assimilate iron and therefore prevent anemia in a natural way.

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