6 Health Problems That Cause Back Pain

Back pain can appear to be a reflection of certain conditions that have nothing to do with the area, but require treatment for it. mitigate.

Do you have constant back pain? Some people experience this problem so often that they consider it normal. However, it isn’t and you shouldn’t get used to it.

The back is our body’s greatest support, thanks to the spine. When you do not take the proper precautions or when your health is not the best, you could end up with this problem.

Some activities that can cause back pain include carelessly excessive weight lifting or more serious problems. We will talk about these here.

Read on and find out how discomfort in your back could be warning you of a more serious condition. Take note and act accordingly to prevent your health from being affected.

1. Wear of the intervertebral disc

mauc de doc: wear of the intervertebral disc

As you already know, the spine is made up of vertebrae separated by small cartilages called intervertebral discs. The function of these discs is to facilitate movement and to cushion it so that the other bones remain in optimal condition.

Over time and due to natural movement, these discs become thinner. This disorder is common in the elderly. However, it can occur in young women who have received the epidural.

The wear of these discs also causes deviation of the spine. Because back pain is usually relieved by maintaining a hunched position.

If you detect this curvature, it is important that you see your doctor for pain medication. We might also suggest using some type of belt or support that holds the column in place.

Also, it would be good to get a massage and include a calcium supplement to prevent the progression of the problem.

2. Low back pain

Low back pain is back pain that extends from the ribs to the buttocks. It is a condition that we can all experience at any time in our life.

Since it is a common problem, people think it has no real cause. However, this is wrong. In most cases, more than one test may be necessary, but there is always a specific reason.

If you present it occasionally, you should pay attention to the activities you have been doing. It is possible that you have poor posture when you are at the computer or your work is involved.

Ideally, you should go to your doctor to rule out a more serious situation.

3. Osteoporosis

back pain: osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. It occurs when there is a decrease in the density of bone mass and the bones become more porous.

This disease makes your bones weak and prone to serious injury, even with minimal beating. In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms, although back pain can occur.

  • If you are over 40 and your diet is not particularly rich in calcium, it is important that you see your doctor regularly to rule out this problem.
  • It is advisable to see your doctor if you notice that back pain occurs in the middle part and you hear clicks when moving. This should not be normal in all cases.

4. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic generalized disease. Among its most important features are long-term pain episodes. This means that not only will you have severe back pain, but you will also experience discomfort in the joints and muscles.

When one suffers from this disease, it is very common to present:

  • Sleep problems
  • Tired
  • Feeling of swelling
  • Rigidity
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Numbness in the joints
  • Stomach pains

If this is the problem, the doctor may prescribe several medications that treat the conditions separately.

While this is not a curable condition, there are always options for controlling the discomfort, although you should try to find what works for you.

5. Scoliosis

back pain: scoliosis

Another health problem that can cause back pain is scoliosis. It is the lateral deviation of the spine beyond its normal limits.

This is a deformity that can appear due to a genital, neuromuscular, or non-apparent cause.

When scoliosis is advanced, it usually causes compression or clamping of the spinal cord and pain.

To reduce the pain in your back when it is derived from scoliosis, you must receive medical treatment. This typically includes:

  • Physiotherapy routines
  • The use of corsets
  • Regular exams to check if the problem has progressed

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases in women. In this case, the back pain problem is due to unusual muscle growths that appear in the endometrium.

The pain is usually acute and appears more frequently around the date of the menstrual period. Although commercial pills are generally helpful, it is recommended that you consult a gynecologist for proper treatment.

General recommendations for dealing with these back pain

  • See a specialist to receive the appropriate treatment based on your type of disorder.
  • Practice yoga. It is perfect for relaxing the body and fighting pain and inflammation.

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