6 Tips To Get Rid Of Edema With Your Diet

Increasing your water intake and leaving out foods high in sodium could help you by stimulating your renal and lymphatic system to fight against edema.

People who suffer from edema can quickly see an improvement in their symptoms by making a few changes in their diet. Although there are various factors that cause this problem, eating habits can help you better control it.

This is due to the fact that certain foods promote good kidney and lymphatic function, which are crucial in breaking down the fluids accumulated in the tissues. Plus, they contain key nutrients to regulate electrolytes and keep inflammation low.

Do you feel a feeling of heaviness? Do you notice inflammation in your extremities? If you are familiar with these or other water retention symptoms, feel free to practice the dietary tips we share with you in this article. Take note !

What is edema?

Edema is a disorder in which the main symptom is the accumulation of fluids in the body. It occurs when there is a lack of control of the processes that regulate the movement of body fluids, which triggers an inflammatory response.

It is not a disease per se, but can appear as symptoms of kidney problems, high blood pressure or sudden hormonal changes. Moreover, in some cases, it is the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and a diet rich in fats, salt and sugars.

Symptoms of edema

Symptoms of edema can vary from person to person, depending on how severe it is or the underlying cause. However, we can observe, in general, certain symptoms that make it possible to identify it :

  • Swelling of the extremities, wrists and abdomen
  • Feeling of heaviness in the body
  • Weight gain for no apparent reason
  • Fatigue and discomfort
  • Cellulite on the buttocks, thighs and abdomen
  • Pockets under the eyes
  • Urine reduction

Some tips for fighting edema with your diet

Although some cases of edema require medical treatment, most of the time they can easily be controlled by modifying your diet slightly. For this reason, we would now like to show you 6 tips to help you feel better.

1. Consume olive oil in moderationolive oil against edema

Consuming olive oil and healthy fats have interesting health benefits. Thanks to its nutritional composition, it increases the absorption of certain essential vitamins and decreases inflammation. However, you should not consume more than three tablespoons per day, as an excess promotes the formation of edema.

2. Drink enough water and other fluids.

Consuming water, infusions, and detox broths can help by increasing the diuresis in your body, and thus stimulate the elimination of retained fluids. These drinks improve circulation and the kidney process to decrease the presence of fluids in the tissues.

3. Limit your salt intake

Although salt is an essential part of cooking, we do not recommend that you use it in case you suffer from edema. This is due to the excess sodium which creates imbalances in the body, and which in turn increases the risks associated with it. Thus, you should avoid table salt, but also that found in foods such as:

  • Sausage meats
  • Breads and other bakery products
  • Canned and vacuum packed foods
  • Mature cheeses
  • Soft drinks
  • Donuts, fried foods and other packaged snacks

4. Increase your intake of diuretics

Diuretic foods are those whose nutritional composition encourages edema elimination processes. They are generally high in water, potassium, and magnesium, all of which are needed to keep your kidneys working properly. Check out some of these options like:

  • Artichoke
  • Pineapple
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • Beet
  • Asparagus
  • White radish
  • Parsley and celery
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon

5. Drink green tea for breakfast

green tea for edema

The diuretic and antioxidant properties of green tea can help with this problem. This is why we recommend that you drink it when you have breakfast or even in the morning. It is also a good substitute for coffee and other drinks that do little, if anything, for your edema problem.

6. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

Increasing the intake of fresh, raw foods like fruits and vegetables can provide your body with key nutrients for kidney and lymphatic function. For example, antioxidants, fiber, and minerals together help prevent inflammation.

This is how we advise you to take it at least three times a day as part of the treatment against water retention. In addition, in case of heaviness and pain in the extremities, you can take it up to five times a day, either on its own or in juices or smoothies.

Do you suffer from any of the symptoms of edema? Try these few tips! As you can see, they are very easy to apply and do not involve a strict diet or anything fancy. So keep them in mind now and say goodbye to this annoying problem.

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