6 Tips To Improve The Appearance Of Your Stretch Marks

If there is anything unsightly, it is stretch marks. And it is certain that the appearance of our skin is something that concerns us all.

If the stretch marks have a purplish color we can eliminate them, while if they already have a whitish tint, we can only reduce their appearance, but not make them disappear.

If there is something unsightly, it’s stretch marks. And it is certain that the appearance of our skin is something that concerns us all.

Fortunately, we can combat these marks to diminish their appearance.

For all those who do not know what stretch marks are, you should know that they are the result of a break in the elastic fibers of the skin.

When the skin stretches, the less elastic fibers break and these marks known as stretch marks appear.

They are common especially in women during pregnancy. At first, stretch marks have a purplish color, then reddish and finally white.

They are essentially the reflection of the separation of the skin.

Stretch marks appear without warning or pain, although sometimes we may experience a slight burning and stretching sensation.

To prevent them, it is recommended to keep the skin hydrated. In this way we will have a softer skin and, in the face of possible physical changes, it will be able to stretch without causing the breakage of the skin fibers.

Types of stretch marks

We need to know that not all stretch marks are created equal.

  • First, we find distension stretch marks, which are those that occur when the skin relaxes or stretches due to sudden changes in weight.
  • In a second step, we will include those which form at the stage of puberty. We are facing a very delicate period during which the body is undergoing major changes. Hormonal disturbances during puberty can also cause atrophic stretch marks which, if not avoided, will be irreversible.
  • Third, we find pregnancy stretch marks: these are those that result from pregnancy, especially on the breasts, hips, buttocks and stomach. Usually, they occur in the sixth month of pregnancy when the skin begins to tighten.
  • Those called iatrogenic stretch marks may appear after treatment with corticosteroids.
  • Finally, stretch marks can also appear after violent exercises which produce a modification of the textural diameter (in the case of athletes, dancers, etc.).

How to improve the appearance of stretch marks?

  1. Help yourself with creams

stretch marks on the stomach

Creams and products rich in vitamin A, such as rosehip, are ideal for combating stretch marks.

They generally contain regenerative properties and their daily application, whether in cream or oil, will significantly improve your stretch marks.

2. Take vitamins A and B

Vitamins A and B will allow your body to regenerate connective tissue and produce collagen, which is why they will be ideal for improving your stretch marks.

To obtain it, increase the consumption of:

  • Kiwi
  • Carrots
  • Berries
  • Pears
  • Figs
  • Watermelon

3. Exfoliators

Exfoliating treatments help remove impurities and different layers of the skin, which is why these exfoliators are ideal for treating this annoying problem.

Mandelic acid (present in bitter almonds) and glycolic (extracted from sugar cane) give us very satisfactory results.

If you want to use deeper treatments, diamond-tipped dermo-abrasion is the most effective technique.

4. Laser treatments

Laser treatments can be another alternative to combat these annoying marks. However, because of the cost, not everyone has the opportunity to do this.

Although it is not a natural treatment, one can achieve very good results and that is why we should not underestimate this technique.

5. Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is an ideal treatment to put an end to the stretch marks that have just appeared (those of purplish color).

It consists of injecting into the area in question certain components (such as hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals or amino acids) to promote cell regeneration and rebuild the skin.

We must consult our doctor about the possibility of using this practice in our case and always have recourse to professionals.

6. Field horsetail

horsetail to treat the appearance of your stretch marks

Horsetail is not only good for water retention, but it can also be effective against stretch marks, thanks to its silicon supply.


  • 4 cups of 40% alcohol (1 liter)
  • 1/2 cup field horsetail (100 g)
  • 8 to 10 drops of lemon juice
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • In a dark container, we will first mix the alcohol at 40 ° with the field horsetail and the drops of lemon juice.
  • We will let everything macerate for a month. After this time, we will dilute it with the two cups of water.
  • We will massage with this preparation the areas affected by stretch marks, twice a day.

You will see the difference!

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