6 Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System

Constantly hydrating ourselves or getting a good sleep helps us strengthen our immune system. You have no excuses for not doing it. In addition, our general health depends on it.

The immune system is our body’s defense apparatus to protect us from infections, bacteria or anything else that can be harmful.

For this reason, strengthening our immune system should be one of our top priorities if we are to stay in good shape.

Despite its importance, we have been taught to take care of our teeth or our skin rather than habits that can help us strengthen the immune system.

That’s why we want to tell you about it in this article. You will find that these tips are very simple and highly recommended to have a better quality of life in general.

1. Sleep well

Sleep for the immune system.

Sleeping is more than a pleasure, it is an obligation to keep your body in good shape.

When you sleep, your cells regenerate and your body heals itself. This is due to the antibodies in your system fighting off pain, damage, and other illnesses.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you are robbing your body of the opportunity and time to promote rejuvenation and repair.

Now you know, in the list of things to do to stay in great shape, you need to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night to boost your immune system.

2. Eat more citrus fruits and raw vegetables, and less meats and dairy products.

Fruits and vegetables in general contain high levels of antioxidants which help strengthen your immune system.

When you consume a balanced dose of citrus fruits or berries you can be sure that you are getting the vitamin C and antioxidants you need.

By keeping a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables you ensure that your body is prepared to avoid diseases that circulate in the environment.

Your immune system depends on a healthy gut and if you consume a large amount of foods rich in protein like meat, eggs or dairy products, you will notice a dramatic decrease in your immune health.

Thanks to quickly digested foods like fruits and vegetables, proteins are eliminated more quickly.

3. Daily exercise

Exercise for the immune system.

Exercise is a great help in reducing the chances of catching chronic diseases and epidemics.

If you are complaining that you don’t have time to exercise, you should know that it won’t take you a lot of time and money.

Think about it: you have 24 hours a day, of which 8 are for sleeping. The rest of the time you can certainly find a moment to do what you want and set aside at least 30 minutes.

All you need to do is set aside an hour a day to do what you love: dancing, doing yoga, walking, biking or running.

Any activity will help strengthen your immune system, and make you feel good and energized.

In addition, exercise is directly linked with the reduction of stress. Because of this, not only will you improve your health but you will be happier.

Look for any opportunity to get some exercise. Whether it’s 30 continuous minutes or 10 minutes in three installments.

4. Stay hydrated

Remember to drink at least eight glasses of water a day which helps us stay hydrated and strengthen our immune system.

This amount is incredibly small if we take into account that we are made up of roughly 80% water.

Despite the great importance that water has in our life, many people are permanently dehydrated and this has a strong effect on the immune system.

Without sufficient water in our body, we cannot effectively remove toxins and other impurities that build up throughout the day.

If they are not eliminated, toxins are absorbed into our blood stream and debilitate our immune system.

Dehydration causes organs to not function properly and this leaves the door open to disease.

Our recommendation is to consume at least 2 liters of water per day. To avoid the lack of water being an excuse, we advise you to always have a bottle of water with you.

5. Maintain proper hygiene for your immune system

Maintain proper hygiene for your immune system.

This is the warning instilled in us from childhood that helps strengthen our immune system. Bacteria, viruses and all the factors that can affect our health are concentrated everywhere.

For this reason, maintaining perfect hygiene is essential to ward off disease.

The main recommendations are:

  • Use an antibacterial gel
  • Don’t put your hands to your mouth
  • Wash every day

Remember when purchasing your beauty products not to go for dangerous or harmful chemicals.

It will always be better to choose natural products.

6. Say “no” to smoking for your immune system

Smoking, or simply breathing smoke, affects every organ in the body and debilitates our immune system.

More and more cities are banning smoking in most public areas because of the toxic and harmful effect of tobacco.

Tobacco is one of the culprits of hypertension and several types of cancer, particularly those related to the respiratory system.

Also, if you are trying to boost your immune system, tobacco has the opposite effect and destroys your best efforts.

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