6 Tips To Unclog Your Nose In Minutes

The steam generated by a hot shower is a very effective remedy for unblocking a blocked nose and for immediate relief.

Colds are an integral part of our life, especially during times when we are exposed to continuous changes in temperature, such as the onset of spring and fall.
Colds make us feel bad, which only gets worse when we have a stuffy nose.

We are not able to get enough oxygen into our body, and if we try to breathe through our mouths, the quality of the oxygen we are getting into our lungs will be less.

This is the reason why it is important to unblock your nose when you are faced with such a situation.

This will allow you to improve all the symptoms that are linked to this seasonal pathology.

So pay attention to the following tips to unblock your nose, because the difference you will feel when you put them into practice will be life changing.

1. Eat spicy

Spicy foods dissolve phlegm and unclog the nose in just a few minutes.

The duration of this effect is not very important, but why not take advantage of the benefits of the food we eat?

To enjoy good meals and fight your stuffy nose, add raw onions and garlic to your preparations, as well as spicy condiments like wasabi, cayenne pepper or Espelette pepper.

In addition to adding nutritious foods that are good for your metabolism to your meals, you will relieve the most unpleasant symptoms of your cold. 

2. Massage your nasal sinuses

Tips for unblocking the nose

The nasal sinuses are the cavities that lie just above the nasal septum.

This is where phlegm can accumulate. By doing a small circular massage in this area, you will dissolve them and soothe any pain you may feel.

How to achieve it?

  • Rest the tips of your index and middle fingers on your sinuses, just below your eye socket, then move them in a circular fashion.
  • For 20 to 30 seconds, focus on areas closer to the nose. Then, deal with those above the nose.
  • Finally, press your fingers on your cheekbones and make circular movements outward.

3. Control your breathing

Have you ever tried to unblock your ears by plugging your nose and blowing?

The technique that we are going to suggest to you to decongest your nose is based on the same principle, even if it is not quite the same.

How to achieve it?

  • Take a deep breath and cover your nose. While maintaining this position, try to expel the air from your nose while walking, until you feel some kind of discomfort.
  • At this point, remove your hand from your nose and breathe normally. Sit down and you will see that in just a few minutes your nose will be completely free.

4. Inject saline solution into the nose

In this case, you have two options: buy a ready-made liquid from the drugstore or make one from the ingredients you already have at home.

Both are equally effective but as you know we always favor home remedies especially when they are as simple as this one.

You will only have to boil water with salt and let it cool.

Once your solution is ready, use a nasal lotion or a pear to insert the liquid into your nostrils.

It will work like a nail polish remover and unclog your nose immediately.

5. Think of mint!

As we all know, mint is widely used against colds to relieve respiratory problems, thanks to its acetic acid and ascorbic acid content.

The potency of these substances is such that by inhaling a little mint or making a menthol ointment for the respiratory tract, all cold symptoms will disappear in a short time.

6. Take a hot shower

Water vapors easily enter the respiratory system, quickly dissolving the phlegm that prevents air from entering your lungs normally.

In addition, hot water can quickly decongest the nose when it enters directly into the nostrils.

Don’t be afraid to make your condition worse by taking a hot shower to unclog your nose.

As soon as you get out of the shower, dry yourself well and you won’t have a problem.

Also, keep in mind that you must expel any germs that are contained in your sneezes and in the phlegm expelled by coughing.

If you follow all of these tips, you can quickly get rid of your cold. You will regain all your well-being and you will be able to breathe normally.

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