7 Bad Habits That Keep You From Losing Weight

Losing weight involves a lot of good habits, but also a lot of discipline and willpower.

If you follow a balanced diet and benefit from the virtues of some foods that promote weight loss, it is also very important to take into account that other aspects can influence the slimming process, and therefore play a full role in your diet.

If you are one of those people who spend their time at the gym and consistently eat a healthy and balanced diet, yet still fail to achieve the results you want, then you must be making a mistake somewhere.

In this article, we present the seven worst habits you can do when trying to lose weight. If among these habits you recognize yourself in a few, then maybe the error lies here.

Drink little water

Water plays a very important role for our body since it keeps us well hydrated throughout the day.

In addition, it promotes the regulation of metabolism, and the elimination of toxins that our body does not need.

By not drinking enough water, our metabolism slows down and burns far fewer calories, while our body does not eliminate enough toxins. We therefore recommend that you drink at least 2 liters of water per day to lose weight.

Water to lose weight.

Do not have breakfast

Some diets may recommend consuming certain foods or drinks on an empty stomach, as this activates the metabolism and therefore promotes weight loss. However, some people make the mistake of not having breakfast at all in order to lose weight faster. 

However, it is very important to eat breakfast, because it is the meal that will “kick-start” your metabolism and keep it going for the whole day.

Reduce the number of daily meals

When you cut back on the number of meals you eat each day you are making a big mistake for the sake of your weight loss program.

Eating only two or three meals a day slows down the metabolism and at the same time the results you want to achieve. 

The ideal is to divide meals into small portions taken 4 to 5 times a day. Of course, your meals should always be healthy, without excess sugar, fat or salt.

Do not vary sports activities

Sport to lose weight.

It is more than obvious that in order to obtain results, it is important to combine a diet with sport that will promote the functioning of the metabolism and the elimination of toxins.

Some people sometimes exercise a lot, but cannot lose weight. The mistake is to limit yourself to the exercises you do and to only do aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, walking, or even cycling.

For the best results, it is important to combine aerobic and strength training exercises.

Eat quickly prevent losing weight

When you don’t take the time to chew, or pay attention to what you are eating, the feeling of fullness will not come as quickly as you expect, causing you to eat more.

This bad habit prevents the body from digesting food properly and therefore makes it more difficult to lose weight. For this same reason, it is not recommended to eat in front of the TV or any screen.

Not resting properly

Rest to lose weight.

These people cannot get a restful sleep and tend to suffer from stress or even anxiety  which has the effect of making them gain weight more easily.

Indeed, insomnia alters the production of the hormone regulating appetite. It is therefore important to sleep around 8 hours a day, but especially according to your personal needs.

The stress

Stressful situations are the worst enemies to lose weight. Situations generating anxiety will indeed tend to make us want to eat more, and it will therefore be almost impossible to follow a healthy diet.

Some studies have found that a high level of stress increases the production of cortisol causing the body to store more fat.  It is therefore very important to learn to control your stress and anxiety.

However, if you cannot avoid this type of situation, the other option is to try and calm your anxiety with healthy foods (such as water, fruit or yogurt).

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