7 Foods Allowed In The Low Diet

Need to follow a low diet? Find out what foods you can eat.

Your doctor has prescribed a diet for you and you have no idea what to eat? It is a very easy to follow and useful method of dealing with your health problem. In this article, you will learn about the foods allowed in the low-fat diet.

The light diet is usually recommended before and after certain medical treatments.

It is also common to need it when your stomach has problems with diarrhea, gas, or a food intolerance. It is also prescribed to treat gastroenteritis or inflammation.

The purpose of the foods allowed in the light diet is to facilitate the digestive process. At the same time, you get the necessary nutrients. Read on and take note of the best foods.

1. Meat and alternatives

Some people think that meats are excluded from the foods allowed in the low-fat diet. However, this is totally wrong. The reality is, you still need to eat these kinds of foods.

What you have to consider is that it has to be lean meats prepared in the healthiest way possible.

Try to avoid adding all kinds of salad dressings and fried preparations. What you can use are spices and other natural substitutes.

The permitted foods are: skinless and fat free chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tofu and lean meat.

2. Fruits and fruit juices

Other foods allowed in the low-fat diet are fruits and fruit juices. Juices should be all natural and as fresh as possible, but without pulp.

fruits and fruit juices in the low-fat diet

This is due to the fact that the pulp contains large amounts of fiber, which makes it difficult for the stomach to work. In the case of apples and pears, it is advisable to cook them in a little water to soften them. You should also avoid seeds and skin.

The best choices are:

  • Banana
  • Lawyer
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Apple

3. Vegetables

Vegetables are one of the best foods allowed in the low fat diet. Due to their great variety, you will easily find options to your liking.

The ideal way to prepare them is by boiling or steaming them. In the case of the light diet, it is not recommended to roast them because they will be more difficult to digest. You can also make juices or smoothies, but it is recommended to strain them.

vegetables in the low-fat diet

The best options are: potatoes, cabbage, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, peeled tomatoes, and pumpkin.

As long as your diet lasts, avoid at all costs fried vegetables or vegetables prepared with oil.

Cereals and seeds: foods allowed in the light diet

Although fiber can be difficult to process, it is food that is allowed on the low-fat diet. We only recommend that the cereal be cooked so that it is very tender.

In this case, it is recommended to choose normal pasta and white rice. These foods are easier to digest and will make you feel fuller with less.

You can eat :

  • Cooked oats
  • White rice
  • Pasta
  • Noodles

5. Dairy products

dairy products in the low-fat diet

You will be delighted to know dairy products have their place in a low fat diet. They allow you to prepare most of the foods mentioned here in a pleasant way. For example, you can use milk to make your oatmeal or rice for breakfast.

When choosing your milk, make sure it is low in fat and lactose. Here are some good options: milk, regular cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

With this authorized ingredient, you can play with various possibilities and experiment. Remember that for flavor you can include a little honey or light spices.

6. Desserts and processed products

It is generally not recommended to eat these foods, but they are among the foods allowed in the low-fat diet. We only recommend basic products, but you have to be careful with the portions. Remember that they can affect other aspects of your health.

It is important to avoid desserts and products containing coconut, seeds, fruits and similar products. These foods are difficult for your stomach to digest and process.

What you can eat: jellies, muffins, cookies without nuts and seeds, ice cream, brown sugar, mayonnaise, among others.

7. Herbs and spices

The last of the foods allowed in the soft diet will allow you to add flavor to what you eat. One of the difficulties is to continue to follow this diet because of the blandness and monotony of certain foods.

Try to enjoy the delicious taste of herbs, spices and a touch of salt. But here are the foods you should avoid:

  • Cloves
  • Anise
  • Fresh herbs
  • Peppercorns
  • Rosemary

Other spices and salt can be used. But nevertheless, don’t forget to avoid excess.

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