7 Foods That Should Never Be Stored In Plastic

In addition to affecting their taste, certain foods can react negatively to contact with plastic containers and cause discomfort and digestive problems when they are cooked. consumption.

One of the most common kitchen utensils is plastic containers. They can be used by us to store a wide variety of raw and cooked foods. There are, however, some foods that should never be stored in plastic.

They are often used to store leftover food in the refrigerator. They are also useful for transporting lunch from home to work.

Thanks to their multiple uses, they are present in all households, almost always in different presentations and forms. They are also much more economical than those made of aluminum or other materials.

The problem is that not all food is made to be stored in these containers. They can break down more easily or even be contaminated by bacteria.

Most worrying is that the majority of people ignore this. They continue to use them without eliminating their habits.

So, in this article, we want to give you the list of 8 foods that should never be stored in plastic.

1. The raw egg

Raw egg and its derivatives, such as mayonnaise or omelets, should not be stored in this type of container as they may be contaminated with bacteria such as Salmonella or E.Coli.

Unfortunately, these microorganisms are easily transmitted through these foods and, in contact with plastic, they can proliferate disproportionately.

The only way to keep this food safe is if the container contains ice or is thermal.

2. Processed meats

It is not advisable to store processed meats in containers because their nutritional properties are special and tend to decrease.

When handled and prepared in breaded fillets or casseroles, they break down easily and their taste and texture change.

3. Dishes in sauce and soups

Dishes in sauce and soups are preparations at high temperatures which, when they come into contact with the plastic, can change their taste and properties.

However, they can be left to cool before putting them in the tupperware so that they can be placed in the refrigerator without any problem.

Thus, the heat will not diffuse the particles of the container, and will not represent any danger.

4. Milk and its derivatives

Plastic containers do not provide the necessary conditions for optimal preservation of milk and its derived products.

Although it is good to use them for a few hours, they are not recommended for storing dairy products for too long as the risk of contamination of bacteria increases.

Plastic containers promote changes in the temperature of the food, accelerate its decomposition process and increase the risk of suffering from discomfort in the stomach.

The best alternative for this type of product are enamel or aluminum containers because these materials extend shelf life.

5. Seasoned salads

seasoned salads

Many people think that plastic containers are the best options for keeping vegetables fresh. Especially when they have already been handled.

However, while one can help avoid contamination, they are not as good at extending the shelf life of the food.

This is the case when the vegetables have been prepared in already seasoned salads. Indeed, their contact with plastic affects the taste and causes the loss of nutritional qualities.

6. Coffee or tea

There are a lot of containers designed for storing drinks like tea and coffee. However, it is always advisable to wait for these drinks to cool down before pouring them into them.

This is because high temperatures affect the plastic element and increase the risk of contamination by bacteria.

Likewise, it is preferably recommended to store these drinks in containers made of other materials so that they do not lose taste and properties.

7. Cheeses

Cheeses are definitely part of the family of dairy products already discussed. However, it is necessary to make special mention of them because of the risks which exist of leaving them too long in this type of container.

Since it is a storable food, all types of cheese generate perspiration which, in a container, promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria.

If they are left indoors for more than three days without airing them a little, volatile substances which favor the contamination of the food accumulate.

Consequently, their texture and properties are affected. This can cause digestive discomfort when consumed.

In conclusion, certain foods should not be stored in plastic. Indeed, even if they are very practical, plastic containers are not the best option for keeping food in optimal conditions.

Avoid storing the foods mentioned there or choose containers made from other materials.

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