8 Tips For Removing Acne

Acne usually affects teenagers, but adults suffer from it too. In this article, you will learn 8 tips to get rid of acne and get the best possible results.

Acne attacks are usually the result of an increase in hormones, but there are other factors. Let’s see together, in this article, the factors and symptoms of acne, as well as  8 tips to eliminate acne.

Acne affects people of all races, genders, and ages. It is one of the most frequent dermatological diseases in the world.

It is characterized by the appearance of pimples, spots and blackheads. A large percentage of adolescents experience these symptoms, but they are not the only ones: adults too suffer from acne.

How does acne form? When the hair follicles are inflamed and the sebaceous glands produce large amounts of sebum, the skin cells do not come off on a regular basis.

As a result, cells block hair follicles, and sebum builds up. In addition, when a follicle is blocked, bacteria multiply.

The triggers of acne

  • The use of oily cosmetics
  • Humidity
  • Excessive sweating
  • An irregularity in the ovaries
  • The consumption of steroids
  • Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy
  • Contraception
  • Excessive consumption of sugar and carbohydrates

Symptoms of acne

The areas most prone to develop acne are the face, chest, back and shoulders. The symptoms of this dermatological disease are:

  • Red pimples, a consequence of inflammation
  • Red pimples with pus
  • Painful protuberances that lie under the skin
  • Cysts under the skin that contain pus and are very painful

Tips for removing acne

1. Change your diet

Tips to eliminate acne: change your diet

The amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands increases with the consumption of certain foods. Here are some examples :

  • the dried fruit
  • chocolate
  • cola-type soft drinks
  • sugar
  • frying
  • the spiciness
  • dairy products

These foods are broken down very quickly by increasing blood sugar levels, which is why it is important to eliminate them from your diet.

2. Vitamins and supplements

It is essential to consume vitamins and food supplements to strengthen your immune system. Thanks to this, the appearance of pimples will decrease and the skin will be healthier. There are also over-the-counter multivitamin supplements. We recommend that you take one per day.

3. Facial products

Woman smiling at herself in the mirror

Acne is a disease that must be treated from the inside and the outside. This is why it is best to follow the recommendations of a dermatologist for the purchase of creams, lotions and toners suitable for your skin.

There are also natural treatments that can help get rid of acne. Likewise, some antibiotics work better.

4. Exercise

Now is the time to start moving and be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day. Sweating promotes the elimination of impurities and also the elimination of excess fat. In addition, exercise improves blood circulation and increases the amount of oxygen in the skin.

5. Sleep well

When the body rests less than six hours a day, acne worsens due to changes in cytokines in the blood, which are responsible for the functioning of the immune system and are responsible for inflammation.

In addition, stress related to lack of sleep promotes excess sebum.

6. Exfoliate your skin to remove acne

Skin needs a good once-a-week skincare routine to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Thanks to this, the capillaries will work better, and the tissues will be regenerated. This will give you softer and brighter skin.

You can also use a natural or commercial exfoliant to remove acne.

7. Use sunscreen

Woman putting on sunscreen

In general, all people should use sunscreen on a daily basis. People who suffer from acne should protect themselves from ultraviolet rays by putting on sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 or more. 

It is better to choose a gel-type sunscreen, so as not to increase the fat in the area. In addition, it is best to avoid long exposure to the sun, as burns worsen the lesions.

8. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol to eliminate acne

Drinking alcohol reduces the amount of vitamins in the body, which increases dryness and flaking of the skin and promotes premature aging.

When it comes to tobacco, not only does it make the skin yellow because of the nicotine, but it also changes the collagen production and elasticity of the skin. Consequence of this: the skin looks opaque and dehydrated.

Some additional tips for eliminating acne

  • Clean the affected area with soap or gel twice a day.
  • Use lukewarm water.
  • Do not touch your pimples, in order to avoid scarring or even the spread of infection.
  • Avoid the use of moisturizers.
  • Cosmetics make pimples worse.

Take care of your skin and you will get rid of acne!

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