How To Detoxify Your Kidneys?

The main function of the renal system is to remove residues from the body and more specifically from the blood through urine.

If it is true that the kidneys are the filters of impurities, it must be remembered that they must be cleaned regularly. In such a way that they can perform their functions properly, and to improve our state of health. In the following article, you will find out how to detoxify the kidneys.

A healthy diet to detoxify the kidneys

No need for expensive or complicated treatment. You just need to start adopting good eating habits, and your kidneys will be clean and healthy.

It is very important to follow a balanced diet, for our general health and to avoid the build-up of toxins in the kidney system.

Avoid consuming refined sugars, fats, and white flours, especially if you have cholesterol or diabetes. Vegetable oils like olive oil are sources of good fats. Prefer whole flours and brown sugars, honey or even stevia to sweeten your desserts.

It is also not recommended to drink alcohol, sodas, coffee and industrial juices, as they have harmful effects on the health of the kidneys.

Likewise, try to eliminate all foods that contain too much sodium (such as deli meats, canned goods, and fast foods) and prepare meals yourself, if possible. Another great tip is to avoid putting the salt shaker on the table, so you won’t be tempted.

Medicinal herbs to detoxify the kidneys

As with a weight loss diet, it is not enough to have a good diet to be successful in having healthy kidneys.

In addition,  it is excellent to use plants that allow us to eliminate all the toxins accumulated in the body and therefore promote cleansing of the kidneys.

The herbs that should not be missing in your daily infusions are those that have good anti-inflammatory properties for the urinary tract. As well as diuretic effects to help expel toxins through the urine.

It is good to know that if you are suffering from severe or chronic kidney disease, you should not consume these herbal remedies or, at least, not without consulting a specialist doctor first.

herbal remedies to detoxify the kidneys

Herbs that help you detoxify the kidneys are:

Chancapiedra ( Phyllanthus niruri )

This plant, native to Peru, is perfect for improving kidney health. The Incas were already using it to treat all types of infections in the kidneys and bladder.

It is a diuretic herb, which controls blood pressure, lowers blood glucose levels. It also eliminates kidney stones and has positive effects on the liver.


It is an herb widely used in hundreds of culinary recipes. This plant has many properties, and its diuretic effects help detoxify the kidneys.

It reduces the accumulation of toxins, and improves the health of the urinary tract in general. Consume parsley raw, if possible, or in an infusion prepared with a handful of its characteristic leaves.

The celery

Both the plant and the seeds are excellent for the kidneys, thanks to their diuretic power.

Celery will help stimulate urine production and tone the kidneys to keep them healthy. Eat celery!

Goldenrod solidage (Solidago virgaurea)

This plant native to the United States and widely used by native populations for the care of the urinary tract. Because it purifies the kidneys and the bladder, and helps tone the urinary tract.

Goldenrod solidage has excellent anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which help detoxify the kidneys and the whole body in general.


The root of this plant cleanses the kidneys in a natural way and can be used to improve bladder health. One of the best-known recipes for removing kidney stones is hydrangea root tea. Because it helps to eliminate them through urine.

In addition, it promotes the metabolism of calcium, which helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

 Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

Farmers regard it as a weed. But do not weed it if it grows among your flowers, because horsetail has many medicinal properties.

It is a diuretic that promotes urine production and fights against water retention. It is rich in antioxidants that protect kidney health, and can be consumed as an infusion.

herbal remedies to detoxify the kidneys: horsetail


This is another plant that is considered a weed, but which contains great properties in its orange-yellow flower.

Dandelion has diuretic properties and helps eliminate fluids such as toxins. It also improves liver and kidney health in general.

The work

It is a tree whose bark offers interesting properties to heal the kidneys. Indeed, birch has been used for years to relieve inflammation of the urinary tract.

To consume it, you need to prepare a decoction with its leaves, and then drink it in the form of tea.


The root of this plant can be very helpful in improving the health of the urinary tract. It is an ideal diuretic for eliminating waste that accumulates in the kidneys and stimulating urination.

Bearberry ( Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

It is a plant that is used to treat urinary tract infections. Indeed, it is astringent, and helps tone the urinary tract and kidneys.

Red clover

It stimulates metabolic activity, cleanses the blood of impurities that slow down the functioning of the kidneys, strengthens the liver and helps purify the body. Red clover is also used to relieve symptoms associated with menopause.

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