Lean Easily By Stopping The Flours

At breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. At all meals, we eat foods that contain flour such as bread, pastries or dough because they allow us to quickly satisfy our hunger. This abuse is not only unhealthy, it also promotes weight gain.

In this article, we will explain to you why this happens and in what ways we can prevent it, in order to lose weight quickly, without suffering and maintaining good general health.

We eat too much flour

A balanced diet is based on consuming equal proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

In the family of carbohydrates, we find fruits and vegetables, starches and grains.

The problem is that today, we abuse cereals, mainly their flour, and we eat too little vegetables. Most of the day we eat bread, pizza, pasta, cakes and all kinds of pastries.

Flours of bread.

Why do flours make you fat?

In reality, our body needs to eat cereals, which provide us with energy for a long time, especially if they are complete.

The problem lies in eating excessively or in the evening before sleeping. Indeed, the collected energy will not be used and will accumulate in the form of fat deposits.

Gluten intolerance

Most of the flours are made from gluten grains like wheat, oats, rye, spelled etc. even if they do not all contain the same amount. On the other hand, rice, corn or buckwheat (or buckwheat) do not contain gluten.

Gluten-free flours.

Today, there are many people who suffer from gluten intolerance.

Be careful not to confuse it with gluten allergy or celiac disease. A celiac person immediately suffers from an allergic reaction.

People who have developed an intolerance do not experience symptoms at the time, but experience health problems after a while.

In this case, the food is not well digested or assimilated properly which can cause, among other things, weight imbalances.

When people who are gluten intolerant stop consuming it, they notice a great improvement and their weight naturally balances.

Other symptoms of gluten intolerance:

  • Recurrent constipation or diarrhea
  • Bad digestions
  • Dermatological problems like hyperkeratosis
  • Menstrual disturbances
  • Sterility
  • Obesity or underweight

If you think that you are suffering from gluten intolerance, we recommend that you see a doctor, who will ask you to perform the necessary tests to check it.

Ideas for reducing flours

  • There are some kitchen utensils on the market that allow you to make spaghetti from vegetables, such as zucchini.
    With this utensil, you can convert a vegetable dish into a faux pasta dish, seasoning it with tomato sauce, cheese and oregano.

Replace the flour.

  • When making cakes, be creative and let yourself be surprised by the possibilities that pulses offer you.
    Did you know that you can make a healthy and delicious cake with pulses and chocolate? It is enough to replace the flour with the flour of pulses or cooked and crushed vegetables. The result will surprise the whole family.
  • People with gluten intolerance can also see great improvements if they do without gluten flours and replace them with rice, corn or chickpea flours. With these flours, you can cook in the same way as with others and make breads, cakes, pizzas, pancakes etc.
  • Bread is one of the most difficult foods to replace, as it is the staple of the diet in many cultures.
    The first step is to reduce the quantity, and gradually replace it with similar foods containing less flour, such as rice or corn cakes.
    We can also learn to make these seed-based sandwiches ourselves (chia, flax, sunflower).
    Crush the seeds, mix them with a little water to make a paste, which you will spread on a baking sheet. Bake at very low temperature, at 50 degrees, for 30 minutes, until the preparation acquires a crispy texture.

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