The 9 Best Natural Pain Relievers

There are different types of pain relievers that you can buy at a drugstore. However, for those who prefer homemade alternatives, this article will help you greatly.

The goal of natural pain relievers is to calm or eliminate pain.

We then speak of pain in any part of the body, but it is very often the head, and also the muscles or  joints.

Indeed, here we are going to give you the 9 best natural pain relievers!

1. Olive oil

In addition to being delicious, olive oil is one of the remedies offered by nature. It helps fight many diseases or other problems.

It will be necessary to find extra-virgin oil in cold pressure. It is indeed the healthiest that sells on the market.

Otherwise, you can go directly to a health food store or to an organic market.Olive oil is one of the natural pain relievers.

This oil contains a natural substance that works just like ibuprofen or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is therefore part of the natural pain relievers. Research has shown that olive oil is comparable to these pharmaceuticals, and it can reduce pain.

The good news is that it is a natural remedy.

In addition, there are fewer health risks, especially with regard to the formation of blood clots, Alzheimer’s disease or even cancer (for those who constantly consume this type of chemical drug).

2. Turmeric

This spice contains curcumin: it is a powerful pain reliever that helps block pain in the body.

Curcumin also helps fight inflammation. Turmeric can therefore be used instead of certain drugs, and in addition, it is without side effects!

Several studies have shown that turmeric can help stop the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, it cancels the sending of neurotransmitters to the brain.

Turmeric is one of the natural pain relievers.

The recommended dose of turmeric is around 600 mg. It should be taken three times a day, as this is how we will notice the best benefits.

3. Fish oil

Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids. Thanks to them, it can therefore block the production of inflammatory chemicals, such as leukotrienes and cytokines. 

It is therefore part of the natural pain relievers. The latter cause severe, very intense pain and are also responsible for arthritis. One of the natural pain relievers is fish oil.

By consuming fish oil daily, we can greatly reduce the severity of Crohn’s disease.

It is also helpful in getting people to stop using steroids. Indeed, these products make you dependent, and each time we need a stronger dose to calm the pain.

4. Blueberries

Many are the properties attributed to this delicious fruit of bluish color and small size. In fact, blueberries are an ideal anti-inflammatory.

They have many antioxidants: they eliminate free radicals responsible for inflammation of the digestive mucosa.

We can therefore avoid the problems associated with this inflammation such as ulcers, urinary tract infections or poor digestion, to name but a few examples.Blueberries are one of the natural pain relievers.

Research claims that consuming a cup of blueberries per day can prevent almost 60% of urinary tract infections, for example.

Plus, it’s great for cleaning the blood and reducing water retention. It also helps patients with diabetes reduce sugar.

5. The grape

Grapes are used to treat back pain, and back pain is very common in today’s society. Indeed, the use of the computer and bad postures in front of the television do not really help!

The anti-inflammatory properties of grapes cause blood circulation to increase in the lumbar area, and the sensation of pain decreases.Grape is one of the natural pain relievers.

Studies show that the daily dose to enjoy the benefits of grapes is one cup per day.

It will greatly relieve your back pain and neck, shoulder and waist pain.

6. Oats

Oats have many properties, and that’s why we recommend eating them for breakfast with milk, orange juice or yogurt.

It is an ideal anti-inflammatory for women, as it helps relieve inflammation in the pelvic area during menstruation.

Oats are one of the natural pain relievers.

In addition, it is a perfect and complete food to improve the amount of zinc in the body. This greatly relieves those who suffer from endometriosis.

Oats can also be eaten as a breading in meats, chicken, vegetables, salads or soups.

7. Garlic is also part of natural pain relievers

Obviously, it couldn’t be otherwise! Garlic offers a thousand and one properties, and among them. There are some that are pain relievers.

It is used to relieve pain in the joints, especially due to arthritis. To enjoy its benefits, take a clove of garlic, chop it and then heat with a tablespoon of oil.

Apply this mixture to the area that hurts you and leave it on until it takes effect. You will immediately notice that the discomfort or pain will subside.Garlic is one of the natural pain relievers.

You can use garlic to treat pain in your molars. For this you need to crush three cloves of garlic and mix them with a little salt.

Then apply this remedy on the tooth that bothers you,  and leave to act for a few minutes.

You will salivate, the garlic will secrete juice on its side, and your toothache will finally disappear (these are the worst that can exist!).

8. Apple cider vinegar

It is one of the seasonings that exist for salads, but you can also use it as a pain reliever.

Apple cider vinegar is excellent! In fact, it has an alkalizing effect that runs through the whole body. It will suit you wonderfully for the busy life you lead.

Apple cider vinegar relieves acidity and inflammation in the upper part of the stomach.Apple cider vinegar is one of the natural pain relievers.

You can enjoy its benefits by mixing a spoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water.

Then drink this mixture  when you feel gastric reflux,  and you will get great results!

9. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is great for relieving muscle inflammation. It is therefore part of the natural pain relievers. In addition, it also helps to calm the nerves.

Chamomile contains a large amount of properties for your body. It will help you relieve back pain, as well as neck or waist pain.Chamomile is one of the natural pain relievers.

To do this, consume up to three cups of chamomile tea throughout the day and overnight.

You will see, your muscles and joints will hurt you a lot less!

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