What Acne Can Tell About Your Health

Blackheads appear on the cheeks due to bacteria or impurities, which is why we have to wash our face extremely well, and cleanse other items like our cell phone.

Although acne has different causes, and is usually closely related to hormonal changes, acne can also be a signal of an internal disorder.

Often, acne appears because of a lack of maintenance of the skin, or an excess of fat in the pores.

However, this cosmetic problem can also be the telltale that something is going on in our body.

To know what acne reveals about our health, it is essential to observe the areas of the face on which it appears most often, and the health conditions in which we are.

When we talk about health conditions, we are simply referring to the hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle, or states of tension and stress.

Would you like to know what acne is telling you about your health?

Blackheads or pimples on the chin, jaw, or neck

Acne can have different causes.

If this area of ​​your face is affected, it indicates that you are approaching, or are already, in your period or that you have hormonal disorders.

What happens during this time is an overproduction of oleaginous substances by the glands in your body, which clogs your pores.

The best way to deal with this problem is to apply an acne treatment to the affected areas, preferably before your period begins, or your hormonal disturbances occur.

If the problem is more chronic, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist to prescribe an appropriate treatment.

Blackheads or pimples in the hairline

If you notice a few pimples on this part of your body, it is possible that you are applying hair care too close to the skin of your face, or that you frequently touch yourself in that area with dirty hands.

Regarding the application of products, certain ingredients that are good for the hair tend to clog the pores, and therefore to produce this excess of sebum.

The solution ? Stop using these products, replace them with more natural solutions, or be more careful during their application.

Also pay close attention to the hygiene of your hands.

What acne can say if you have blackheads or pimples on your cheeks

In the majority of cases, this type of acne is caused by bacteria or dirt. These bacteria, or pathogens, can come from your hands, or even your phone.

Wash your hands well, or use an antibacterial gel to keep them clean.

It is also very important that you take care of the cleanliness of your phone because, although you will find it hard to believe, studies have shown that there is more bacteria on your personal smartphone than in a public toilet.

Blackheads or pimples around the mouth

You may be eating foods that are too fatty or too acidic.

This type of acne is caused by the residues of acidic foods that irritate us, such as lemon, or vinegar-based sauces.

It can also be caused by foods that are too fatty, such as fries, cakes or burgers. This type of food clogs the pores, and that’s where the acne problem comes from.

Whenever possible, you should completely remove any food residues that remain near your mouth after meals.

For this, we recommend that you use a small damp towel.

Blackheads or pimples on the “T” area

Acne can go away.

Pimples and blackheads that appear in the so-called “T” zone (which includes the forehead and nose) can be the product of our body’s struggle against stress.

When we are very tense, or under great pressure, our body releases adrenaline to increase its oil production. What causes pimples, or blackheads.

Avoid stressful situations and follow some basic relaxation rules.

Blackheads or pimples on the back and on the chest

In this case, acne does not reflect any health problem in the strict sense of the term. But rather that we use clothes that are too tight.

According to many experts, the most popular theory about the appearance of these buttons is the use of cotton-based fabrics. They absorb sweat and create a suitable environment for the growth of many bacteria.

To remedy this, avoid wearing clothes that are too tight, especially if they are cotton. You should also favor bras that are your size.

We recommend using fabrics that absorb moisture well such as lycra, or microfiber.

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