8 Benefits Of Regular Pineapple Consumption

When we eat pineapple, we get high amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which can help us in multiple aspects, even if we don’t have to overeat it. One cup a day is sufficient.

Pineapple is one of the most delicious tropical fruits we can eat. In addition to its taste, there are several good reasons to eat it. We explain everything to you here.

It can indeed be integrated into the diet in different forms:

  • Fresh
  • In juice
  • Cooked
  • Canned

It provides us with minerals, vitamins, soluble and insoluble fibers and bromelain.

All these elements are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

1. Pineapple stimulates the immune system

A ration of pineapple contains 130% of the recommended amount of vitamin C, so it is one of the richest sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin C is linked to reducing disease, boosting the immune system and fighting free radicals because it is a powerful antioxidant.

Don’t forget to also read: 5 juices to lose weight and improve your immune system

2. It prevents cancer

In addition to the protection provided by vitamin C against free radicals, its consumption can help you in the fight against cancer. And this, thanks to the other antioxidants it contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Beta-carotene
  • Bromelain
  • The various flavonoid compounds
  • High levels of manganese

It is also important to mention that the manganese in pineapple largely prevents the effects of free radicals on cells.

This means that healthy cells do not mutate into cancer cells, especially those that produce cancer of the mouth, throat or breast.

3. It improves digestion

Like many other fruits, pineapple is full of soluble and insoluble fiber. Eating pineapple in the right amounts can therefore protect you against:

  • The constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Blood clotting
  • Hypertension

Plus, eating pineapple stimulates peristaltic movements and the release of gastric juices that help you dissolve food better.

4. It fights coughs and colds

The bromelain that we get when we eat pineapple reduces the mucus and phlegm that builds up in the airways and sinuses.

It therefore helps to avoid the diseases that cause this type of symptoms and supports the body in the process of eliminating phlegm and to decrease the infection.

5. It helps to have strong bones.

The high calcium and manganese content of pineapple makes it an ideal fruit for strengthening your bones, helping them to regenerate when damaged and for those who are still growing.

Manganese is the most abundant mineral in pineapple. Consuming one serving of this fruit each day will give you over 70% of your daily requirement for this essential mineral.

6.It preserves the health of your eyespineapple

The sense of sight is one of the most important for human beings and pineapple does a great job of helping you take care of it.

This is because eating pineapple is closely linked to preventing certain deficiencies in the eyes that can be brought on by age.

Macular degeneration affects many older people, but the beta-carotene in pineapple helps delay vision problems.

If you take care to include the correct amounts of beta-carotene in your diet, you will be able to see well in your old age.

7. It regulates blood pressure

Remember we mentioned potassium among the nutrients that pineapple contains. Well, it is one of the most important minerals for the body. Potassium is indeed a powerful vasodilator.

This means that it helps you free your blood vessels from tension and stress. In addition, it promotes better blood circulation.

When your blood vessels are relaxed, you promote the following:

  • High blood pressure is under control.
  • You prevent blood clots from forming which could block the flow of blood.
  • The buildup of plaque in your arteries is reduced.
  • Prevent serious illnesses like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and brain hemorrhages.

You want to know more ? Read: Cleanse your arteries and strengthen your natural defenses with a simple natural recipe

8. It helps manage and control arthritis

It is perhaps one of the most famous uses of pineapple in health. Eating pineapple can help reduce inflammation in joints and muscles, especially those affected by arthritis.

Thanks to bromelain, which is often associated with breaking down protein complexes, pineapple has great anti-inflammatory effects.

These effects prevent severe pain and help reduce discomfort. This means that you will be able to carry out your activities with greater comfort.

Avoid excess pineapple

If we have seen that pineapple is a fruit with countless benefits, we should not underestimate its high sugar intake. This is why it is important to measure the portions correctly when you eat them.

One serving of pineapple is equivalent to what you can put in a small cup. If you consume it as a juice, mix it with other fruits or vegetables.

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