Secrets To Healthy Hair

If you have thin hair, feel free to apply coconut oil to hydrate and strengthen it. Also, try to include more protein in your diet.

Our hair is daily exposed to factors that weaken and damage it, making it less and less shiny.

Some symptoms appear when they start to develop problems. We feel itching on the head, we notice them more opaque and thin, we see some dandruff.

All these hair problems can nevertheless be solved. It is therefore possible to keep hair soft, beautiful and healthy.

The main secret to having healthy hair is having a healthy scalp. It is indeed easier to have beautiful hair if it is healthy.

We will therefore present to you, below, the best secrets to take care of your scalp and thus have well nourished and healthy hair.

A dry scalp

We start to feel frequent itching when the problem results from the dry scalp. We also see dandruff appear. No one likes to see their hair full of skin scales produced by dryness. Also,  not paying attention to it can lead to a bigger problem. 

The solution ?

  • Mix 10 drops of pure lavender essential oil with one ounce of sweet almond essential oil or jojoba oil in a container. Then, apply it on your scalp by making circular massages for 5 minutes.
  • For a sensitive scalp, massage only with jojoba oil, 5 minutes before taking a shower.
  • We also recommend increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. You will find them in fish and vegetables.

Thick, normal hairhair

Thick, normal hair tends to have fewer problems. However, it is never too much to apply a strengthening treatment from time to time.

How to do ?

  • After applying the shampoo, take a spoonful of olive oil and apply it all over the scalp as well as the hair from roots to ends. Then, wrap your hair in a plastic bag or a charlotte, then leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Finally, rinse and apply your usual conditioner.

Fine hair

They are said to lose strength and thickness, being more likely to fall. This can be the result of a poor diet, vitamin deficiency, hair abuse, and / or the result of endocrine disorders.

The solution ?

  • Heat a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar. Let stand. Dilute with ½ cup of water. Once ready, apply this to your scalp with gentle massages. Cover your hair with a plastic bag or a charlotte. Then leave it on for 30 or 40 minutes. The acid in apple cider vinegar helps restore the pH of the scalp.

Brittle hairhair

They can be the product of a poor diet, lack of nutrients, excessive exposure to the sun, the use of hair dryers, hair straighteners, hair clips, among others. They tend to fall more frequently and their growth is slowed down when they are brittle.

The solution ?

  • To strengthen brittle hair, it is good to massage the scalp and hair using a little coconut oil, and leave on for 5-10 minutes. Wrap your head preferably with a charlotte or a plastic bag to let the treatment sit for the recommended time and then rinse your hair as usual.
  • In addition, it is recommended to include in his diet the following foods: lean meats, fish, low-fat cheese, egg white, spinach, soy, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes , among others.


Dandruff occurs when there is an excessive growth of bacteria which causes dead skin cells to build up. They can appear on both oily hair and dry hair. 

Also Read: 5 Herbal Lotions To Effectively Fight Dandruff

The solution ?

  • In a container, mix 10 drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus, mint or bergamot oil with an ounce of jojoba or almond oil. Then apply this to your scalp using circular massages for 5 minutes before taking your shower.
  • If you want a leave-in treatment, mix a small amount of witch hazel water with a bit of mouthwash and rub it on the scalp after applying your shampoo and conditioner.
  • For best results, be sure to include foods rich in zinc in your diet such as clams, crabmeat, lean meats, lobster, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds and salmon. .

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