Discover The Benefits Of The “brain Diet”

The brain occupies 2% of our body, but consumes 20% of the glucose we ingest daily. However, when summer or the holidays approach, we submit to ever more strict and restrictive diets that deprive it of the nutrients it needs.

We often diet to lose weight, or at least not to gain weight. For this, we go to the gym so as not to lose our figure. However, we care very little about the vital muscle of the brain. Did you know there is a brain diet? Find out in this article!

“Brain fitness” is a technique that aims to improve the quality of life,  control stress, avoid neurodegenerative diseases and have more memory and intelligence.

Brain nutrition

We don’t often think about how to properly feed our brains. So we often leave this part of our body aside.

The brain occupies only 2% of our body. However, it consumes more than 20% of the glucose that we ingest daily.

All of our eating habits have both positive and negative repercussions on our brain. There are different foods that can help us strengthen our mental functions.

It is nevertheless necessary that our overall diet is balanced and varied. That is to say, there is no point in eating a handful of nuts in the morning, if we then have lunch at fast food for example.

We must not forget to consume foods rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamins and protein. We should also drink two liters of water per day (three in summer, or when we play sports).

It is also important to avoid bad habits such as physical inactivity or skipping breakfast.

Under normal conditions, the brain feeds on glucose. When we ingest food that is low in calories and fat, we can be sure that it is eating properly.

The body does not need to compromise other vital functions to supply the brain with the energy it needs. of the brain
It is important to nourish the brain so that it can perform all of its functions in the best possible way.

Indeed, the brain is responsible for sending all the signals necessary for the muscles to move. To generate emotions. To remind us of our daily tasks. Or to help us get a good rest during the night.

The pace of life in big cities doesn’t help our brain at all.  We lack the time to exercise, rest, and consume foods that are not loaded with fats and sugars.

We often eat badly, too quickly, and we follow strict and restrictive diets once the summer is in sight, to lose weight, which does not do anything good for this precious organ.

Either way, we are not providing our body with the nutrients it needs to function properly, and this affects our brain as well.

Start by taking care of your whole body to prevent the occurrence of all types of diseases.

A well-nourished brain means more energy, much better attention, much sharper focus and memory.

Foods that cannot be missing from a brain diet

Within the brain’s diet, these foods must be ingested every week, or even every day. Remember to include them in your daily meals and menus, and you will start to notice results in no time.

The water

It is an essential element in our life, because our body is composed of liquid in large proportions.

It’s not just about drinking plain water, but you can also drink sugar-free herbal teas, natural juices, homemade smoothies, or eat fruits, such as oranges for example.

91% of our brain is made up of water, which is why we need it so much. We can go two months without eating, but not more than two weeks without drinking water.

The average amount of water we need to consume each day is two liters. This varies depending on our physical activity, the type of work we do, our weight and height, the time of year, etc. 


It is one of the best vegetables around, and it shouldn’t be missing in your daily diet. It is the “king” of cruciferous vegetables, and it is also advisable to eat cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

They contain a lot of protein, few calories, a lot of water and many vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K). In addition, they provide folic acid, flavonoids and lutein.

Broccoli, like other crucifers, is excellent for preventing memory loss because it has great antioxidant power. It is best to consume steamed or grilled broccoli to prevent vitamin C from being lost in cooking.


You can consume this cereal with orange juice, milk or yogurt. It provides a large amount of protein and amino acids, but also unsaturated fats, vitamins B and E, magnesium, potassium and selenium.

It is very nutritious and acts positively on our memory. A very good brain-friendly oatmeal grandma’s recipe consists of a cup of hot milk with two tablespoons of oatmeal, and honey.

It is ideal for sleeping well in the evening when the days get colder.

The banana

The banana is nicknamed the fruit of the wise, because many scholars in India consume it directly from the tree. It has positive sugars, vitamin B and C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

We advise to consume them very ripe, when they have this little shade of black. We absorb their sugars more easily, which directly feed the brain.

They facilitate the production of a neurotransmitter which is involved in the process of memory and mood.

Green teaof the brain

This infusion from the Orient contains many properties. It does not ferment, has a lot of antioxidants, but also manganese and oxalic acid, for example.

It also prevents the development of tumors, is highly depurative and protects brain functions. We can also incorporate it into slimming diets to burn more fat.

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