Back Pain? Avoid These 8 Things For Complete Relief

Back pain is considered one of the ailments of the century. But this is not inevitable. Find out how to relieve this pain.

Adopting good posture is essential when it comes to avoiding back pain.

We have to pay attention to our posture both when we are sitting at work, for example, and when we are standing.

Back pain is a pain that is very common in modern society.

It  almost always derives from a sedentary lifestyle as well as the adoption of bad habits that harm that part of the body.

The pain may be mild. But they can also become constant with sudden sharp spikes preventing us from moving as we please.

Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) have found that at least one in ten people suffer from this type of pain on a frequent basis.

It should still be taken into account that everyone is likely to suffer from it at one time or another in their life.

In most cases, the pain goes away on its own. And symptoms can be alleviated by taking certain types of pain relievers.

However, to completely relieve back pain, it is essential to avoid practicing certain habits that can worsen the condition.

In today’s article, we will reveal  8 things you absolutely must leave out  to get rid of this type of pain. Read on to find out more!

1. Lift heavy objects

lifting heavy objects

Exerting a lot of effort lifting heavy objects is one of the main causes of lower back pain.

From the first symptoms, it is essential to  reduce the load on the back. Try to carry the items in question with the help of a special team or someone else.

2. Rest the back

Rest is a good remedy for relieving pain and relieving tension in this part of the body. But this is not the best solution.

Exercise is proven to be very effective in relieving  and preventing the frequency of lower back pain.

This is because exercise strengthens muscles while increasing blood flow to the joints and discs.

However, good posture must be adopted for each movement. Otherwise, the problem could get worse.

3. Being bent

bend over

Poor posture when we are seated is another common cause of recurrent back pain.

Bending the back increases the pressure on the joints, muscles and discs. This then leads to severe pain.

To relieve the pain and inflammation caused by this posture, it is essential to adopt good posture throughout the day.

4. Being stressed

Stress is a very common psychological disorder in our current society that derives from various concerns, responsibilities and even technology.

Stress  is a source of great tension in the whole body. It increases pain in the neck, head and back.

To avoid getting there, it is essential to practice relaxation techniques or physical exercise on a regular basis.

5. Obesity

The causes of obesity include genetic factors as well as poor lifestyle habits.

Although it is easier to combat in the first instance, adopting a healthier lifestyle helps a lot.

Being overweight seriously affects the quality of life. Not only because it lowers our self-image, but also because it puts more pressure on different parts of the body,  causing pain and inflammation.

Losing at least 10% of body weight significantly reduces the recurrence of back pain.

6. Smoke

At first glance it might seem that smoking has nothing to do with back pain. Yet this bad habit is often responsible for lower back pain.

The substances contained in tobacco  reduce blood flow to the spine and gradually degrade the spinal discs.

7. Lean forward

Constantly bending forward greatly increases the pressure on the discs in the posterior part, which in turn worsens muscle ailments and back pain.

Therefore, it is necessary to limit this type of movement and try to  perform exercises for the lower part of the back which are based on bending backwards.

8. Hide the pain

Taking certain pain relieving medications or applying cold or heat therapy may provide temporary pain relief.

However, these options should not be viewed as a single remedy for this problem. Indeed, they only mask the pain.

The two components which are essential for the total disappearance of this ailment are  the light exercises and the correction of the posture.

If possible, see a physiotherapist. He will indeed be able to recommend the best exercises to follow depending on the type of pain that is afflicting you.

If none of the recommendations in this article are effective in relieving the pain, and the pain lasts for a week or two, see a doctor immediately to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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