Hyman Diet To Detoxify Your Body From Sugar In 10 Days

Although it can be difficult to get used to, a sugar-free diet can help us improve many of our functions and detoxify the body .

The body is a motor whose fuels are the foods ingested in the diet. The main fuel is sugar. But be aware that sugar is one of the most dangerous ingredients in the world. We present to you the 10 ideas of the Hyman diet to get rid of sugar.

Watch this analogy:

  • You have a car in perfect condition. It operates optimally as long as it is supplied with diesel fuel.
  • Despite this, there comes a time when it fills up with a deposit due to a different type of product contained in diesel.
  • This is when the vehicle’s system has problems and its optimal function is weakened.

The example given here is a good way to explain how the body works depending on the type of food eaten.

And of course, everyone wants to have their own ‘vehicle’ in perfect condition, to be well transported in life. We are talking about the food products consumed regularly in the diet, but we must focus on sugar.

Indeed, this ingredient is present in a considerable amount of food. And it is associated with multiple diseases like cancer, diabetes or heart disease, among others. It is therefore the moment to start thinking about this product and the real need to consume it.

Mark Hyman’s diet

Taking into account what has been mentioned previously, it would be good to control your sugar levels consumed during daily food intake.

The intention here is to detoxify the body from sugar. The main objective is to cause the opposite effect of sugar addiction. Thus, we allow the organism not to be dependent and we eliminate all the excesses.

Here are the 10 ideas applied by the Mark Hyman diet, which can be put into practice in just 10 days. Let’s go !

1. Make sure you need it

Diet is one of the most important human practices. Changing it is complex, but necessary to promote the health of the body.

You have to make this decision with full knowledge of the facts, and knowing that the body really needs to detoxify itself.

2. Make the decision and not deviate

As you have seen, in this diet, you have to stop sugar and not consume a single gram. Here, we are referring to anything that may contain sugar, such as candies or cakes.

3. Nothing in terms of calorie drinks

Drinks with high caloric indices are numerous we consume too regularly. This is the case of coffee or sweet tea, sports drinks, from soft drinks, which inject a lot of sugar in the body.

These drinks are more dangerous for the body, compared to solid foods.

4. Consume protein

Sugar provides the body with energy. However, there are other components that are much better than this. This is the case with proteins. They are therefore considered a good source of energy, without carbohydrates.

It is recommended to include in the diet such foods as eggs, dried fruits, fish and chicken.

5. Carbohydrates, found only in vegetables

The body needs a lot of carbohydrates and some vegetables offer this component. This is why it should be included in your diet for 10 days in a row because it is the best way to detoxify the body.

6. Vegetable fats to fight against sugar

Dr. Hyman’s diet promotes fat from plant foods. Indeed,  vegetable fats do not cause weight gain, but help fight against blood sugar.

The best option is to add foods such as avocado, nuts, or coconut oil to your diet.

7. Avoid temptation

Our surroundings can be filled with unhealthy foods, cakes or fast food, among others.

This is why it is better to have a package of products that are good for the diet. The foods listed above are ideal.

8. Control breathing to combat stress

Before each meal, it is necessary to carry out at least 5 deep and slow breaths in order to modify the metabolism of fat. This will relax the body and therefore prevent the stimulation of cortisol.

9. Avoid habits that stimulate inflammation

People’s problem often have a strong connection with their habits. Consuming gluten, dairy products, or smoking are the main causes of inflammation.

When the body exhibits these symptoms, it tends to become imbalanced in terms of blood sugar.

10. Sleep well

When the body takes an 8-hour break to rest, it stimulates the appearance of hunger hormones. This is why we need to consume large amounts of sugar when we get up.

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