6 Early Signs Of Heart Failure

Among the warning symptoms of heart failure we can experience acute fatigue for no apparent reason, inexplicable weight gain or lack of appetite, well that it could be due to other pathologies.

Heart failure refers to the inability of the heart to pump enough blood to support all of the metabolic, oxygen and nutrient supply tasks to our body.

If our cells are not nourishing themselves properly, the body cannot function normally, and the effects are noticeable.

The symptoms associated with this disease are severe and considerably reduce the patient’s quality of life.

Heart failure is, in turn, one of the most common and disabling reasons among the adult population, especially those over the age of 65.

Although this condition is usually chronic, in many cases, and with the right medication and good medical care, one can have a normal quality of life.

However, other people will have to intervene to be helped by a small defibrillator. It is a pacemaker-like device that permanently controls the rhythm of the heart.

Life changes radically when this type of cardiac complications appear, so common but, at the same time, impacting for the person as well as his family and personal surroundings.

However, it is still vital to pay attention to the first symptoms. It is usual that, during the early stages, certain abnormalities associated with fatigue or stress go unnoticed.

In this article, we invite you to remember this simple information. It is important to know them so that we can talk to our doctor if necessary.

1. The need to urinate at night

Getting up to urinate more than once at night is not normal.

Although this symptom can be due to several reasons (a kidney problem, an infection, prostate problems…), heart failure is also a factor to take into account.

  • When we lie down, the fluid that has accumulated in the lower extremities due to heart failure can return to the blood stream and be taken up by the kidneys to be excreted in the urine.
  • We must not forget that this disease tends to enlarge the chamber of the heart in an almost desperate attempt to pump more blood. However, it also causes fluid retention.
  • If we notice that our bathroom habits change from day to day , it is best to talk to a doctor.

heart failure

2. Heart failure and loss of appetite

This is another symptom that can be linked with many other disorders or problems that are not too serious.

However, when the heart stops pumping at a normal rate and frequency, fluid buildup also occurs in the digestive tract and in the liver.

We generally feel full and lacking in appetite. Moreover, we feel full with smaller quantities each time.

3. Constant fatigue

Fatigue appears without us making a considerable effort. What previously did not require us to make any effort, now becomes extremely hard and leaves us without air or breath.

  • Climbing stairs, carrying heavy things, going out shopping and even talking for a long time, all exhausts us.
  • Heart failure reduces the heart’s pumping ability, and causes less blood to flow to the muscles.
  • We can imagine what this means for our body: we receive less oxygen and fewer nutrients.
  • The muscles overload, cramps appear, pain and this extreme fatigue.

4. The inexplicable weight gain

This may sound contradictory, because, if we eat less, why have we put on the pounds? The answer, once again, lies in fluid retention.

  • Most of this body volume is not due to fat, but to fluids.
  • In the event that we notice that we gain more than two kilos in less than a week, we will have to communicate it immediately to our doctor.
  • In this way, it is good to know that with specific treatment and diet, those extra pounds will disappear and we can get our figure back.

5. Swollen ankles

Swollen ankles can be the result of various factors (being overweight, getting pregnant, varicose veins, etc.)

  • However, if this is a constant problem on a daily basis, we should know that it is a normal thing. It is necessary to make a diagnosis to find out the cause.
  • This inflammation or edema can extend from the ankles to the legs. Most of the time, this is a sign of heart, kidney or liver failure.

These are issues that we need to communicate to our doctor.

6. Dyspnea or shortness of breathheart failure

Dyspnea doesn’t just refer to a buildup of fluid. We are also talking about congestion in the lungs.

  • It is important to remember that if we accumulate fluid in the lungs, the exchange of oxygen will not be possible, therefore, this is already a serious symptom.
  • It is common for dyspnea to appear early on on very special occasions: when we play sports or even when getting out of bed.
  • When you are lying down, the liquid tends to “flood” the lungs; therefore, we find it difficult to breathe.

We should never consider these kinds of symptoms to be normal. If we fail to breathe for a few seconds, but every day, when we get up, it is better to consult our doctor.

To finish, it is important to constantly inform our health specialists about any problem, circumstance in our daily life that affects us in some way, in order to lead a normal life .

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