13 Reasons To Eat More Avocado

Despite its bad reputation, moderate avocado consumption helps speed up metabolism and control fat levels in the blood. Hence, it helps us to lose weight.

Avocado has great nutritional properties that remain little known to the general public. This fruit being the victim of a bad reputation according to which it would make you fat. It actually contains many more calories than many other foods, but if eaten in moderation, it doesn’t make you fat.

Avocado is recommended to control cholesterol levels, to  easily achieve the feeling of fullness thanks to its high fiber content, and to fight constipation. It also has detoxifying properties that help control blood sugar levels.

It is a product that must be present in the diet of every person who wants to have a healthy diet,  because it provides around 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, potassium and many more.

The properties of avocado: why eat them more often?


  • It is rich in folic acid, a substance essential for the good progress of pregnancy, providing both child and mother with the fundamental substances that guarantee good health.
  • It is a great source of vitamin C, which works as an antioxidant and therefore helps us prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (linked to memory loss) or, quite simply, the natural aging.
  • Avocado is high in vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones. 
  • It also contains a high level of vitamin E, which guarantees the proper functioning of the neurological system.
  • It helps control cholesterol by regulating triglycerides, and its omega-3 content helps remove bad cholesterol from our body. Omega-3s are also good for our eyes and our brains.  
  • It contains vitamins A, C, B-6, B-12 and K, which help us protect our immune, cognitive and nervous systems.
  • In addition, thanks to its vitamins, it is one of the most effective foods to prevent the appearance of carcinogenic cells .

On the other hand

  • It is also of great help for our memory thanks to its fatty acid content. These bring many benefits to our brain.
  • Many people are unaware that avocado contains aphrodisiac properties. Thanks to its potassium and fiber content, it regulates the rate of blood circulation and ensures the good performance of male erectile function. It therefore acts as a real natural aphrodisiac.
  • Consuming avocado can also benefit your eyes, as its properties help absorb the sun’s ultraviolet rays to avoid the risk of damaging the retina. It also protects the organs of sight from degenerative diseases.
  • Due to its concentration of vitamins, it allows us to fight against skin diseases, restoring all its vitality and elasticity.
  • Avocado also brings many benefits to our oral health, as it contains many compounds that identify and destroy oral carcinogenic cells, thereby helping our body to function properly.
  • Avocado offers multiple health benefits, and can help us lose weight.  If we consume it sensibly, it will allow us to lose weight by speeding up our metabolism and controlling the levels of fat in the blood. Conversely, excessive consumption of avocados can lead to weight gain and it is not recommended to eat them too often.

Avocado must be part of your diet!


Avocado contains many benefits for our health and can be prepared in different ways. It fits perfectly into savory, sweet and spicy recipes. It can be eaten raw and does not require cooking. One of the most popular avocado dishes is guacamole, which accompanies many foods.

Avocado also brings benefits apart from its ingestion. It can be used in the composition of masks for the skin and hair, which it will moisturize and revitalize. It will restore to the skin all its elasticity and will restructure, repair and nourish the scalp.

The consumption of avocado is especially recommended as part of vegetarian diets. Indeed, it provides great nutritional value as well as many essential nutrients.

Consuming this food during pregnancy and breastfeeding can promote these processes. It will provide nutrients necessary for the proper development of the fetus and the nutrition of the child after birth.

To recap what we just said, a person who consumes avocado regularly is healthier. It increases up to 5 times its intake of nutrients, which are the engine of all our daily activities. Incredible, isn’t it?

What are you waiting for to start eating more avocado?

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