Find Out Everything Your Nails Say About You

Nail color and shape say a lot about each person’s personality. Find out in this article what the nails say about your personality according to their color and shape.

The shape of the nails and the color of the varnishes used say a lot about each person’s personality. Find out more in this article!

Hands and nails are an important part of our beauty and our personal image, because the care we give them says a lot about our personality. On the other hand, nails are an essential addition to the beauty and lifestyle that define you.

Do you want to learn more and start analyzing the meaning of the colors of the varnishes you use to do your nails? In this case, we advise you to continue reading this article in order to discover all the secrets that the shape and color of the nails hold about the personality of each person.

The color of nail polish

nail polish color and personality

When it comes to nail polish color, many women color their nails without knowing what color choice is indicative of personality. A woman with well-groomed nails always conveys elegance and style.

The blue lets perceive that the person who carries them has confidence in himself. He is also generally a person of his word and who stands out for his ethics. Of course, it is not a color that will appeal to everyone, but will only appeal to people with a strong personality.

Black hides a mysterious personality. Like blue, it may not appeal to many people, but it attracts smart and curious people. In addition, this color has power, elegance and formality.

Coffee or brown, on the other hand, is a color less used in manicures, which can distinguish people who wear it. This color is typical of people very naturally and easily sympathetic to others. However, they also need to know people well in order to trust them.

The color of the silver nails reveals mysticism and is typical of emotional, feminine and purposeful people. This color is usually associated with strong intuition and women who follow their own hunches. In addition, this color is also associated with people who never disappoint their friends.

The pink color reflects a lovable character that does not want to forget its infantile side. In addition, it is the color that marks the most femininity, as well as a jovial and affectionate heart.

Red is another well-known color, and everyone knows it is the color of enthusiasts. In addition, it is usually worn by confident, romantic and sensual people.

Yellow is the color of the sun, so it is typical of a personality full of joy and happiness. Women who wear it exude a feeling of warmth, new beginnings and optimism.

Nail shapes and personality

nail shapes and personality

But do you know what the shape of our nails says about the personality? There are up to 7 very different types of nail shapes and each of them marks a personality in its own right.

First, there are the rectangular and long nails. These rectangular nails indicate a rather cheerful and confident personality. In addition, they are people who like to know the world and have new experiences. In addition to these character traits, they also refer to meticulous people who strive to always do their best.

Wide and flat nails correspond to people with clear-headed and analytical personalities. So they have good criteria for judging people and knowing who to trust. In addition, they are people who like to study with a strong taste for craftsmanship. On the other hand, they also represent people who like to create new things and get rewards from them. Likewise, these people prefer utility over beauty and like difficult issues that make them think.

On the other hand, there are short and round nails, associated with people of strong character, creative and a little dramatic. These people manage to form friendships through their vitality and joy, which makes them particularly attractive. They are also adventurous, daring and fearless people.

For people who bite their nails, or have patchy and short nails, this corresponds to empathetic and observant characters as well as being totally sincere. These nails also reflect nervousness, because although these people try to appear calm, they often have a whirlwind of feelings inside of themselves.

Straight, rectangular nails are typical of hardworking people with their feet on the ground. They are innate leaders who have a sense of responsibility. Moreover, these people are always ready to do a good job and finish it not forgetting to relax and have fun when they are done.

Triangular nails, on the other hand, mark a bold and determined personality and are typical of the passionate and tenacious who always know what they want. They give the impression of being restless, but they accept challenges with pleasure.

And, finally, long and oval nails are related to people with a lot of creativity. In general, these people are also used to recharging their batteries in nature. They admire beauty and have a certain taste for responsibility. These are people who are always immersed in projects that make them happy. They love to love and do it with sincerity, and put their whole being in what they do.

Tips for having beautiful nails

Having long, strong and well-groomed nails allows us to better complement our style and fully reflect our personality. Hands and fingernails are exposed to a large number of factors every day that can make them dirty, affect their health, and make them look neglected. Very often we will also need the help of a professional manicurist to maintain them perfectly.

A poor diet, combined with some bad habits or situations like biting your nails or being exposed to chemicals, can weaken the nails. For this reason, it is vital to take care of your nails, because it is the basis of everything! It is therefore also necessary to be very careful to maintain them well on a regular basis. If your nails break often, try cutting them very short and repairing them immediately in order to maintain them.

There are certain enemies of the nails, such as yeast infection that we do not always take into account. These can sometimes be responsible for their fragility or poor health. In addition, nails and hair are made up of protein so if you suffer from a protein deficit, you will need to consume more of this nutrient that you can find for example in meat, vegetables and soy.

There are many aspects of our nails that say a lot about our personality and character. Now you know what the nails say about your personality. Did that surprise you?

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