Properties Of Papaya

Papaya and its seeds are rich in nutrients that are very beneficial to our digestive health. In addition, this fruit helps us fight against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging.

Who doesn’t love papaya? This fruit not only has a sweet taste and is very pleasant on the palate, but its attractive color also makes it one of the favorite fruits of young and old alike. Let’s find out below what is true about the supposed properties of papaya.

Papaya is a tropical fruit native to Central America, with a fairly soft texture on the palate and generally orange in color. It is a low calorie fruit, only 43 per 100 grams, and rich in beta-carotene and potassium.

The properties of papaya


Consuming this fruit regularly would have great health benefits. The properties that are attributed to papaya are many and are said to help our body in very different ways. Let’s see the most relevant.

It would help digestion

One of the main properties of papaya is said to  make the digestion of food easier and more efficient. According to data from WebMD, this results from papain, a chemical that helps break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Aiding the digestion of food, it would be good to consume a serving of papaya after meals, especially if it is a large meal. However, there is no conclusive data on its effectiveness.

It would have an anti-inflammatory effect

One of the benefits of consuming papaya would be to prevent inflammation of the digestive tract. This property would result from the same papain enzyme  .

Likewise, according to studies published in  Molecular Nutrition & Food Research , fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants such as papaya  help reduce inflammatory markers. 

It is believed  that it could also be used topically, applying papaya slices or peel to the skin in areas that have burns or sores. Of course, if you are suffering from a burn or serious injury, see your doctor for the proper treatment.

It is a source of vitamin C


Papaya is also a source of vitamin C, more than orange. Therefore, according to data from different studies, it would help prevent cell oxidation, promote iron absorption, increase defenses and stimulate collagen production.

This vitamin would also be an important help to repair damaged tissues and avoid the effect of free radicals in our body.

It is an antioxidant

Its antioxidant effect derives from its vitamin A and lycopene content. Vitamin A would be an ally of the immune system and would be good for the mucous membranes and the health of the skin.

For its part,  lycopene is an antioxidant  that would help prevent premature aging. In addition, thanks to its astringent properties, papaya is used in natural medicine to remove the layers of dead skin found in the manifestations of diseases such as psoriasis. However, more research on its effectiveness is needed.

It would help prevent cardiovascular disease

This results from its contribution to flavonoids, another type of antioxidant that is believed to help prevent heart attacks because it is  believed to prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and forming blockages  in the bloodstream.

In addition, as a publication in the medical journal Preventive Medicine points out,  the antioxidants contained in papaya would protect the heart and  enhance the protective effects of HDL cholesterol, better known as “good cholesterol”. 

It would protect eyesight

Due to its vitamin A content, papaya is believed to help improve visual health. In addition, it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are said to prevent age-related macular degeneration, as well as the appearance of cataracts.

Other properties of papaya


We have seen the most important properties of papaya, but  this fruit would offer other benefits  that would make it an ally for our health. Among them are:

  • It would help fight constipation  thanks to the fact that it is rich in fiber.
  • It would have moisturizing and regenerating properties  beneficial for the skin and the hair.
  • Possessing fibrin, it would help in the coagulation of all types of wounds  .
  • Its alkaloids  would help prevent gas.
  • It would promote tanning and help maintain it thanks to its beta-carotene content.
  • It is rich in minerals like potassium, which would promote the health of our muscles.

As you can see, there are several properties of papaya. Include it in your daily diet and enjoy its benefits and delicious flavor. The whole family will surely love it!

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