Do You Have A Stiff Neck? Discover Home Remedies To Heal Yourself!

To relieve the pain, you can massage yourself with essential oils. In order for the muscles to gain flexibility, it is very important to do gentle and slow exercises.

Do you know what the rigid neck is? Read this article to learn how to fix this problem which affects many people.

The “stiff neck” is characterized by the difficulty in moving the neck because of the pain or discomfort felt.

This phenomenon can be accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, discomfort in the shoulders and arms, throbbing and unbearable pain in the neck, sleep disturbances, etc.

More data on the rigid neck

The pain can come on at any moment and go away just as it started.

If it is a recurring pain, which does not subside over time or which reappears several times a month, it can be said that it is a chronic case that should be paid attention to.

Stiff neck occurs due to different reasons, among which we find:

  • Muscle sprains or injuries
  • Bad postures
  • Being in the same position for an extended period
  • The stress
  • Voltage
  • The fact of sleeping badly
  • Forcing on your neck when lifting a weight or making a movement
  • Doing exercises like lifting weights

This problem can lead to more serious consequences and therefore it is necessary to be very careful.

For example, meningitis or herniated disc are causes of stiff neck. It is therefore vital not to overlook these symptoms, especially if their intensity is increasing every day.

Home remedies for “stiff neck”

As we discussed, a stiff neck can cause mild or severe (chronic) pain.

If the pain is severe, the person cannot turn their head without feeling a lot of pain.

Here are some treatments that will be very helpful to you in case you are suffering from this problem.


This is the most popular remedy. To do this, you can go to a professional masseur or ask one of your relatives to give you a gentle neck massage.

In order for the effects of massage to be even more effective, you can use essential oils.

To do this, use the ones you have at home, like olive or almond oil, even for babies!

You just need to heat it a little in a bain-marie or in the microwave, being careful not to burn your skin.

Heat and movement are great for relaxing muscles in the neck and any part of the body.

Apply a few drops of the oil of your choice (you can opt for the essential oils of lavender and rosemary) on the affected area, making circular motions and exerting some pressure.

Within minutes, this massage will help relax sore muscles and stimulate blood circulation, while reducing stiffness.

The heat

Applying heat to the stiff neck is a great way to relieve pain.

For example, you can take a hot shower with the water running down your neck, wet a towel with boiling water and apply it around the neck like a compress, or you can apply a thermal or electric pad.

When those alternatives weren’t there, we used to heat a blanket or something similar in the oven, and put it at neck level.

A trend increasingly used and which fulfills the same function is to heat in the oven small cushions filled with seeds or rice.


Similar to heat, this technique is great for a stiff neck.

This option is indicated when the pain is due to an injury and the area is inflamed.

If you can’t stand taking your shower in cold water, do the same with hot water, letting a good amount of cold water run down the back of your neck.

You can also apply a few ice cubes wrapped in a cloth to your neck (never directly on the skin) or even a towel soaked in a tub of ice water.

Epsom salts

Taking a bath with Epsom salts can be a great remedy for a stiff neck.

These are salts rich in magnesium that stimulate blood circulation and have the ability to reduce muscle tension.

To do this, fill the tub with lukewarm water and put a handful of Epsom salts in it. Immerse your body in the bath so that the water completely wets your neck.

This technique will also help you be more relaxed and laid back.

Apple vinegar

The properties of apple cider vinegar for health are numerous. In the case of muscle pain, it helps reduce swelling.

To do this, you simply have to soak a cloth in vinegar and apply it to your neck like a compress.

Another option is to rub vinegar on the affected area. In a few minutes, the pain will go away.

The radish

Cut a few slices of raw radish and apply them to the sore area.

Leave on for a few minutes, then remove them with lukewarm water. This remedy is an excellent calming agent and a very refreshing recipe!

The exercises

When you have a stiff neck, it is obvious that you cannot move because of the pain.

However, it is necessary for the muscles to be more and more flexible.

To do this, start by doing gentle and very slow exercises, paying attention to your pain, and avoiding that it is an obstacle to keep moving.

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