Self-fulfilling Prophecy, When What You Predict Becomes Reality

Instead of identifying it only with negative facts, why don’t we use self-fulfilling prophecy in our favor to to ensure success and well-being in our everyday life?

It is known as the Pygmalion Effect or the Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Its origin dates back to the ancient Greeks, who made known this reality so present in our lives through the legend of Ovid.

This legend says that a sculptor named Pygmalion fell in love with one of his creations, which he named Galatée. His love was so great and so blind that he took the sculpture for a real woman.

The goddess Aphrodite realizing the great love that Pygmalion felt for her creation, made her come alive. So what he wanted in the end came to pass.

What happens to a person with a problem with jealousy? She constantly monitors her partner, looks for evidence of possible infidelities and ends up finding what she fears so much.

Self-fulfilling prophecy present in our daily life

It seems ironic that what we are so afraid of can become a reality. However, our actions operate as if they were a call.

Unintentionally, a jealous person searches for evidence that does not exist. However, as she continues in this dynamic, she ends up finding what she has been so waiting for.

The same thing happens in other areas, such as school for example.

When a teacher thinks a student is going to fail their exam and lets the student know, the student subconsciously believes it and acts in such a way that what has been said becomes a reality.

As we can see, self-fulfilling prophecy is very present in negative situations. However, the Pygmalion effect can be used in its positive side.

As with Ovid, believing that we can succeed in a project or that we can achieve a dream that no one believes can lead us to achieve it.

self-fulfilling prophecy

There is nothing impossible. However, our life is governed more by the negative than by the positive. People often pull us back. Therefore, the Pygmalion effect has many more negative examples than positive ones.

The Pygmalion effect and the law of attraction

We could compare this self-fulfilling prophecy with the law of attraction. In fact, when we believe something, we irrefutably attract it until the day when, without waiting for it, it becomes a reality.

There is no magic involved. It is also unrelated to fate. The answer lies in our changing attitude.

For example, we won’t act the same if we trust our partner or if we continually think that he is going to cheat on us with another person.

Our actions will chart a course the completion of which we cannot avoid.

However, we are not careful and, for this reason, we end up surprised by what we ourselves have decided in one way or another.

Have you ever realized that you attract the same type of people? Maybe liars or infidels.

You think you are out of luck or that other people are not good people.

However, you may not have looked inside yourself and realized that you have a strongly entrenched belief in the unconscious part of your brain that makes you think that everyone is lying or is unfaithful.

Our thoughts and beliefs are very powerful. Being aware of this can be used in our favor.

Have the life you want

You can have the life you want through self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, it happens very often, when your thoughts attract things that do not benefit you and that hurt you.

Why not try to do the opposite? Because it requires a lot of effort on your part. Freeing yourself from negative thoughts and false beliefs can be very tiring work.

However, it will be worth it. Imagine all the negative that you drew and think that if you wanted to, you could have reversed it.

if i change everything

We need to change beliefs, embrace new perspectives, and most of all, believe in what we want. Self-confidence will be fundamental for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

We are the creators of our life.

In order for life to offer us all that is good, we need to reprogram our brains to be able to see the bright side of everything that happens to us.

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