16 Ways To Use Banana Peel

Did you know that bananas can be one of your skin’s best friends? It helps you fight acne thanks to its vitamins and antioxidants, and helps delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Bananas are delicious, nutrient-dense fruit  that can be found everywhere in stores and that you can benefit from in many ways. As with many fruits, we only eat the flesh of the banana, and we throw the skin of the banana in the trash, because it does not seem useful to us.

But, by throwing the banana peels in the trash, we lose a very important part of the fruit, which has many uses.

With its content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, the skin can be used to take care of your health, beauty and home.

As we know that many people ignore the virtues of banana peel, we are going to share with you 16 tips to benefit from all its properties.

Uses of banana peel for your health

  • It acts as a natural pain reliever. Banana peel contains a natural oil that acts as a calming agent on burns and wounds.
  • Eliminate warts. To remove warts that may appear on your hands or feet, take a piece of banana peel, apply it to the wart in question before going to bed, and leave it on overnight. Repeat the treatment until the wart disappears.
  • Fight against hemorrhoids. To relieve hemorrhoids, apply the white part of the banana peel to the wound and leave it on overnight. Repeat as many times as needed.
  • Relieves redness. In the Revue de Pharmacognosie et Phytochimie , it is recommended to rub the inner part of the banana peel on the redness.
  • It relieves itching. If you have been bitten by an insect, rub the inside of a banana peel on the affected area, and leave to act for a few minutes.

Uses of banana peel for your beauty

  • Fight against acne. The inner part of the banana peel contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will help you cleanse the skin on your face and fight acne.
    Cover your pimples with banana peel, and let it sit until it oxidizes.
  • It is anti-wrinkle. Its antioxidant properties help protect our skin and help prevent premature wrinkles.
    It is especially recommended for the eye area, as it helps firm and soften the skin.
  • Eliminate splinters. If you have a splinter in the skin, you can remove it with banana peel. Place the skin on your splinter, covering it with duct tape, then gently remove the splinter.
  • Help to have white teeth. The skin is a natural whitener, and helps eliminate stains that appear on the teeth.
    Rub the inside of the banana peel on your teeth for two minutes. Repeat this treatment every day.

Uses of banana peel for your interior

  • It makes the leather shine. The inside of the skin helps polish and shine leather objects such as shoes, furniture or belts for example. Lightly rub the skin, then polish with a cotton cloth.
  • Make money shine. Mix the banana peel with a little water in a blender, until you get a paste. Use this mixture to clean stains on all your silver items.
  • Helps ripen avocados. Banana peel contains a hormone called ethylene, which helps fruit ripen quickly.
    To ripen an avocado, put it in a bag with a few pieces of banana, and leave the bag closed for 24 hours.
  • Repel epidemics. Stop using insecticides which are so dangerous for the planet and for health.
    If you have aphids on your plants, bury chopped banana peels. 3 or 5 centimeters deep.

Other uses:

  • Help plants to grow. Thanks to its high potassium content, it helps plants grow more easily.
    Mash the banana peel, and a little pulp, using a fork. And bury this mixture near the seeds of the plant you want to grow.
  • Excellent in compost. After using them, you can put the banana peels you have available in a compost. They break down very easily and will provide many nutrients to your soil.
  • She tenderized the meat. If you don’t want your meat to harden, put ripe banana peels on your skewer, before placing it in the oven.

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