Remedy To Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In addition tohttps: // preview = true monitor your diet, n Do not forget to control your stress, your anxiety, as well as all the negative emotions: these factors can irritate your intestines.

Irritable bowel syndrome is an increasingly common pathology. Doctors still don’t know what the exact cause is, but the symptoms can be relieved and treated.

We know that it is a recurring disease, which affects women more than men, and which is often linked to stress. Episodes of constipation, then diarrhea, then appear.

Seeing a doctor for treatment is essential. But, thanks to some simple natural remedies, you can alleviate this disease.

Discover here a very effective remedy based on Aloe vera and mint. 

Aloe vera and mint juice remedy to cure irritable bowel syndrome

1. The ingredients you are going to need

Aloe vera and mint help treat irritable bowel syndrome

Remember that you should never self-medicate, or go without advice from health specialists.

Also, be aware that continued use of medications can lead to long-term health problems with the liver and kidneys, for example.

The solution ? Take appropriate medication only when it is really needed. And to feel better every day, use very simple natural strategies.

We invite you to start your treatment with the following remedy:

  • 2 tablespoons of Aloe vera gel  (40 grams)
  • a few peppermint leaves (15 grams) or mint oil

2. The benefits of these ingredients when it comes to treating irritable bowel syndrome

The Aloe vera 

Consuming aloe vera for ten consecutive days will provide relief from inflammation and irritation in the colon. It is one of the only foods that, when in contact with the intestine, does not turn into gas.

On the contrary, it activates its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. It thus makes it possible to soften and tone this organ, and it will avoid you in particular the contractions which are at the origin of the pain.

You will be able to regulate the evacuation of your stools, which will prevent you from suffering periods of constipation and diarrhea.

In addition, thanks to Aloe vera , you will absorb nutrients better. Remember, it is an ingredient that has the ability to kill harmful bacteria that are the root cause of many diseases.


The benefits of peppermint for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome have been published in the British Medical Journal .

Menthol is a substance that allows us to decrease muscle contraction, thus allowing the walls of the intestine to relax.

In this way, the pain will decrease, as will the cramps, constipation and diarrhea. Peppermint is therefore one of the most effective foods for combating irritable bowel syndrome.  

In short, while Aloe vera gradually reduces inflammation, mint relieves discomfort and pain.

3. The preparation of the remedy

  • To prepare it, it’s very simple: heat the equivalent of two glasses of water (250 ml), then when the water comes to a boil, add 40 grams of Aloe vera.
  • Stir well, then add the peppermint leaves. You can also replace the mint leaves with mint essential oil. But, in this case, you will add it only when the mixture is lukewarm, and not on the stove.
  • Once these ingredients are well incorporated, and all the mint essence has been released, remove your saucepan from the heat and wait for everything to cool.
  • Drink it all lukewarm at room temperature. One cup on an empty stomach and the other after your dinner, for 10 consecutive days. Taking this treatment every month can be very beneficial for your condition. In this way, you will purify your colon, while strengthening your digestive system. This is a simply wonderful medicinal tonic.

Other recommendations for treating irritable bowel syndrome

Beet juice helps treat irritable bowel syndrome

  • Avoid eating dairy products, too fatty or too seasoned food. Do not consume carbonated drinks or coffee.
  • Eat small portions, evenly distributed throughout the day. It is best to eat small amounts, five times a day for example.
  • Increase your intake of fiber and vegetables.
  • Prepare papaya- based salads .
  • Plum juice is also very effective, as are oats and apple.
  • Flax seeds are also recommended to treat irritable bowel.
  • Chamomile or cinnamon tea in the middle of the afternoon can help you feel better.
  • Beetroot and carrot juice, besides being very nutritious, will act as a great purifier and protector of your colon.  It is a perfect juice at dinner time for example.
  • Reduce your daily stressful situations as much as possible. Negative emotions, anxiety or concerns can be a trigger for irritable bowel syndrome.

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