5 Amazing Health Benefits You Will Get From Consuming Parsley

Parsley is a food rich in vitamins and minerals. However, it should not be consumed if we have a tendency to suffer from kidney stones or if we are pregnant.

Parsley is a delicate aromatic plant with an intense fragrance that is often present in the cuisine of various countries.

It is native to the Mediterranean and it is also consumed in several countries of the East.

Its flavor is intense and, oddly enough, we will appreciate knowing that it also belongs to the botanical family of Umbellifera, in which cilantro, dill, celery or carrot are included.

We can enjoy it in many ways, in infusions, in salads or in sauces, rice or meats. The flavor it brings to our dishes is, without a doubt, very characteristic.

If you are not consuming it yet, we encourage you to do so today. We give you 5 good reasons to start consuming parsley now.

1. Parsley takes care of your bone health

One thing we may not know is that vitamin K deficiency is associated with a greater risk of bone fracture.

  • In our diet it is indeed very important to consume phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C or B complex vitamins.
  • However… Are you concerned about including foods rich in vitamin K in your diet?

Regular consumption of parsley provides us with a good level of vitamin K. It is therefore ideal for improving bone health as it acts as a modifier of bone matrix proteins.

Likewise, it improves calcium absorption and reduces urinary excretion.

A very important habit like always looking for fresh and natural food guarantees our health and well-being.

Start adding parsley to your meals, fish, vegetables and natural juices today.

2. It helps you regulate blood sugar levels

parsleyParsley is rich in a very special type of flavonoids called myricetin. This element helps us regulate blood sugar levels and decrease insulin resistance.

  • In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It helps us to regulate the level of fat in the blood.

Thanks to these properties we not only fight the onset of diabetes, but we also take care of our cardiovascular health by also reducing arterial inflammation.

Do not hesitate to prepare good infusions with parsley and lemon after your meals.

3. Parsley for your kidney health

Parsley is one of the most widely used herbs to take care of your kidneys.

  • It is a diuretic and it stimulates renal function so that they can best perform their essential tasks of purification and detoxification of the body.
  • In addition, it is interesting to remember that thanks to its potassium content, parsley helps us regulate high blood pressure.

On the other hand, and in case we tend to suffer from kidney stones, the daily consumption of parsley is not recommended, because of its oxalic acid content.

4. Very suitable in case of anemia or states of fatigue

Parsley can become a supplement in our diet and it is more than interesting in some cases of deficiency, anemia or in those times when we feel exhausted due to stress.

  • Always remember that the way in which it will bring us the most nutrients is by consuming it raw.
  • Parsley is rich in vitamin A, group B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9 or folic acid and K).

In addition, with regard to its minerals, we can obtain a very interesting supply of potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

5. Strengthens the immune system

Instead of looking for the classic vitamin supplements in pharmacies, we can opt for this healthier and natural solution such as consuming foods rich in vitamins.

  • Parsley is that plant that cannot be missing in our cooking and that can help us strengthen our immune response thanks to its high content of vitamin C. 
  • On the other hand, it is also interesting to know that parsley contains a chemical compound called apigenin.
  • Although it is said from the point of view of herbal medicine that it is suitable for dealing with cancer, there are no studies that strongly support it.
  • However, what we do know is that it is a powerful antioxidant capable of acting against multiple viruses and bacteria.

Do not hesitate to consume fresh parsley by adding it to your soups, salads or soups. Its benefits are well worth this little daily effort.

How to consume parsley on a daily basisparsley

  • Make good omelets with parsley.
  • Use it to season your salads.
  • Add parsley to your soups.
  • Use it when cooking fish.
  • You can mix it in your tomato sauces to make pizzas or good sauces.
  • Dare to taste the infusion of parsley.
  • Also taste the fruit smoothies with parsley.

To conclude, as we have seen, we can use this natural plant in various ways.

However, remember that if you suffer from kidney stones or are pregnant, it is recommended that you moderate its consumption.

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