Thoughts On Steve Jobs’ Life Everyone Should Know

Money cannot buy everything, it cannot buy love or health. Steve Jobs thought about this before he died, and while it’s hard to confirm that the words attributed to him are truly his, they are in any case food for thought.

For some time now, news about Steve Jobs has been circulating on social networks. Even if it is not confirmed, it invites us to reflect.

In the rest of this article, we are going to share with you the supposed last words of the famous founder of Apple.

It cannot be shown that Steve Jobs said these words. But we know that the attitude throughout his life and the way he faced his last days are very interesting.

Today we want to convey to you the idea that no matter how successful our lives are and how much wealth we accumulate, there are priorities that should never be overlooked.

Success is not synonymous with happiness according to Steve Jobs

Over the weeks, Steve Jobs’ supposed final thoughts have become a real phenomenon.

A film about his life has been created, a much-loved production and directed by Danny Boyle. With this film, we can realize that he was not a very happy person.

  • Having professional success in life doesn’t always go hand in hand with happiness.
    Sometimes we think things like recognition, money, and fame are the pillars of a fulfilled life, but that’s not true.
  • While we don’t really know if Steve Jobs had these thoughts in his final days, before cancer took him, his relatives have claimed he regretted not setting other priorities in his life.
  • Wealth is a dress full of diamonds, which allows us to have an easier life.
    However, money does not bring happiness, does not offer genuine companionship, does not warm, and does not give love. 

Steve Jobs

Love is always the most important

Steve Jobs has reached the heights of fame and finance. He has been a benchmark all over the world.

He was a man with a powerful intuition, who offered the world something that is indispensable to us today: technology.

His empire, first with the Macintoshes, the Pixar dream factory. Then its brand par excellence Apple, really instilled a revolution in the daily life of most of the inhabitants of this Earth.

Everyone dreamed of having the latest iPhone, iPad or iPod that Steve Jobs offered.

But he was aware that nothing makes sense if you don’t share. If we don’t have relatives with whom to share our evenings, and if we don’t have loved ones that we love and who love us.

  • Love is the greatest personal triumph of human beings, the greatest act of greatness and reciprocity that we should never do without.
  • It is not bad to dream of fame and wealth. Every morning we should wake up with the goal of achieving our dreams and being in control of our destiny, just like Steve Jobs did.
  • But you should never neglect love in your daily life. To love and be loved.
    Always remember that money will not bring you the heartfelt laugh of a child who admires you, nor will it keep your best memories that you think of before you sleep.

The most expensive bed in the world is the one in the hospital

No matter how much money you have in your bank account, you can never escape death.

The hospital bed is the place where sooner or later we will have to leave life, whether we are poor, rich, young or old.

  • Steve Jobs had it all, he was still a young man and he could have given more to the world. However, the money could not cure his illness, nor give him a second chance. 
  • You can accumulate and buy an infinite number of material things, but life is priceless. Life runs, gives hope, light, laughter, happiness and sadness, but when you lose it, you never find it.
  • The only treasure we keep when we leave this world is the emotional legacy we have created during our life. The many houses, cars and objects that we have do not accompany us in death.

You will leave the same way you arrived: with nothing. 

  • Conversely, feeling loved, feeling the hand of your family near the hospital bed just before the game is the most precious asset you can have. Nothing else matters.

Love is the most important. We are all free to achieve a successful life like Steve Jobs but we should never neglect tenderness, happiness and making others happy.

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