The 4 Stages Of Life And Their Crises

Each stage of life has its positive and negative sides, but enjoying the present moment and always seeing the bright side of what is happening to us will help us live them to the fullest.

From our birth we will undergo 4 important stages in our life. By which we must try to go through in the best possible way.

However, many times we are not aware of these stages in life and the crises that each one represents.

Today we are going to discover them, are you accompanying us?

Childhood, an important stage in life

The importance of these stages of life.

The first step in life cannot be other than childhood. But what kind of crises can exist in one of the sweetest times for humans?

Without a doubt, it is about the home and the parents. Many children are brought up in unstructured, unstable families where the tenderness they need is not transmitted to them.

Many of these children will have emotional wounds and shortcomings that manifest in their adulthood and cause them problems in their relationships with others.

Spending quality time with the younger ones, letting them be children, play, enjoy life and not be the butt of adult frustration will be necessary to avoid any of the first major crises that will manifest over time.

Adolescence and youth

stages of life: adolescence.

Adolescence is a key period in the formation of the personality. This is the time when we are under the most pressure to feel good with ourselves but also with the world.

This is when the first body-related crises are brewing.

Looking like the canons of beauty, or succumbing to questions about the physical, can cause various problems related to bulimia and anorexia.

Establishing healthy bonds with other people and quickly solving any problems that may arise that result in low self-esteem or even depression will be essential.

Adolescents will quickly grow into young adults who will see all of these unresolved issues reinforced and potentially impact their lives in a big way.

Maturity is one of the stages of life

Maturity, stages of life.

It is one of the stages of life which is characterized by stability. But where the crisis also has its place.

Having a stable job, but perhaps boring us, or under the pressure of starting a family and having children can overwhelm us at this very important stage of our existence.

Many people do not dare to change jobs. And those who do go through a crisis that they are struggling to overcome because the decision could have been better.

As for starting a family, people in this stage try to escape the loneliness they fear and their desire to meet someone or start a family because of social pressure can cause them to end their life with someone. ‘one they don’t want to be with.

It is important not to be guided by what others are saying or by all those other comments like “it will soon be too late for you” which, even if we don’t believe it, exists.

Stages of life: old age

life stages of old age.

We have already completed three stages of our life and we are now in the last. Old age, where retirement is present and where we can enjoy life more.

However, this stage is sometimes characterized by loneliness.

Those people whose children have left to make their living or whose spouse has died, may find themselves in a silent house that plunges them into depression.

However, it is a vital time to do whatever we like that we have never been able to do.

Travel, meet new people and do activities that fill us with joy… All of this is possible when we want to and act.

Each of the stages of life has its positive and negative sides. However, what is really essential is to be able to experience each of them fully. As we wish and always remaining ourselves.

Living bitterly is not an option, being in a place we don’t like either. Life goes by too quickly and we are not here to waste time by living it with discomfort.

Let us do our best to ensure that our passage on this earth is smooth. And let’s try to always focus on the present moment.

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