Medicinal Flax Drink To Fight Cellulite And Improve Skin Health

Although cellulite does not present a serious health problem, many people seek solutions to decrease it because they feel that it affects the beauty of their skin.

One can treat cellulite in a notable way by eating a good diet and consuming certain natural remedies. In this article, we would like to recommend a medicinal flax drink that, by its properties, facilitates treatment while improving the appearance of the skin.

Flax has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps us to purify the liquids and wastes retained while eliminating the inflammation caused by this retention.

Cellulite is a cosmetic problem characterized by the formation of small nodules of fat  which give a surface appearance “with holes” on the surface of the skin.

It is very common in women and, in fact, it is estimated that over 90% develop it during puberty.

Its onset is linked to being overweight, but it can also be linked to hormonal imbalances and certain lymphatic problems.

Medicinal flax drink to treat cellulite

Medicinal flax drink to treat cellulite

Medicinal flax drink is a natural remedy that, thanks to its diuretic and depurative properties, has become popular as a supplement for weight loss and reducing the appearance of orange peel.

These seeds are a healthy source of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, the absorption of which provides multiple benefits to the skin.

Their significant intake of dietary fiber helps improve the process of digestion of fats while promoting the elimination of wastes that prevent optimal functioning of the lymphatic system.

On the other hand, its omega 3 fatty acids exert an anti-inflammatory effect which decreases the water retention in the tissues in order to promote the control of this problem.

It contains significant amounts of B-complex vitamins and folic acid, necessary to maintain firm, youthful and hydrated skin.

In addition, its diuretic effect helps reduce the nodules that form due to overweight and obesity.

How to prepare this medicinal drink to treat cellulite?

This natural flax remedy has a fairly straightforward preparation process, and since it only requires the seeds, it is inexpensive.

Unlike other treatments against this problem, it is not applied directly to the affected areas but, through its ingestion, it promotes the elimination of wastes that influence the formation of cellulite.

If it is not a miracle product to make this problem disappear overnight, it is on the other hand a great help in improving the effects of diet and treatments for external use.

In addition, it should be mentioned that it is a remedy that has a slight alkaline and anti-inflammatory effect which, when ingested, improves digestion and immune functions.

How to prepare this medicinal drink to treat cellulite


  • 5 tablespoons of flax (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring a liter of water to a boil then add the flax.
  • Leave on low heat for 2 minutes then pour the preparation into a Crystal decanter.
  • Wait for the drink to cool down and start drinking it.
  • The ideal is to prepare it in the evening so that its ingredients concentrate while you sleep.
  • The next day you will be able to see a thick and gelatinous liquid which brings all the benefits of flax.

Consumption method

  • Consume half a glass of this drink, 3 or 4 times a day.
  • Try to drink it half an hour before each meal to avoid overeating.
  • If you are anxious between meal times, you may want to take an extra dose to control it.
  • The ideal is to consume it for 10 days in a row and then let a week pass before taking it again.


  • This medicinal flaxseed drink may interfere with the absorption of certain medicines. In case you take certain medical treatments, consult your specialist before consuming it.
  • It is not recommended for use in cases of colitis or intestinal obstructions, as it can end up irritating.
  • Due to its phytosterol content it is not recommended for women with endometriosis.
  • It is not recommended to drink more than the recommended amount.

Ready to try it? Now that you know how to prepare it at home, don’t hesitate to include it in your diet. You will be able to check for yourself its benefits to reduce the annoying aspect of cellulite.

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