Plants You Can Use As A Natural Flea And Tick Repellant

Use plants as a natural repellant and get rid of fleas and ticks from your pets without having to resort to any products chemical.

There is nothing more hopeless for our animals than fleas and ticks. In addition, many people often resort to chemicals that damage the skin and can cause allergies. Today we will show you in this article how to use plants as a natural repellant to repel fleas and ticks from your pets.

Fleas are small insects that travel very long distances and feed on the blood they ingest through their bite. They can produce dermatological lesions which sometimes cause serious wounds in the animal when it scratches and can worsen its condition. In addition, fleas also often produce anemia and transmit parasites to our pets.

Ticks, on the other hand, are mites that parasitize warm-blooded animals such as dogs, rabbits, sheep and, similarly, humans. They feed by sucking blood without causing burning or itching. In children, they can lodge in the scalp.

For all these reasons, today we are going to show you in this article how to use several plants that can serve as a natural repellent against fleas and ticks.

Plants as natural flea and tick repellents

We are already well aware of the many benefits that nature brings to our quality of life, which is why in this article we will show you through plants a way of repelling fleas and ticks but also many other insects.

In addition to fighting against these annoying insects, you can also garnish and  decorate the terrace or the garden with different colors and scents.


properties of mint against fleas and ticks

Mint is the anti-flea plant par excellence. In addition to smelling good, being delicious and easy to maintain, mint is an excellent anti-parasite. You can use mint in small jars to scare away fleas and ticks.

Mint is an aromatic plant that has a characteristic refreshing aroma. In addition, this plant is one of the most used to eliminate fleas and ticks, since it is not dangerous for your pets.

You have to be careful because it is an invasive plant that can colonize the entire garden. So, preferably, place the mint in small pots that you will scatter all over the place and you will prevent it from growing too much.


properties of garlic against fleas and ticks

Another good idea is to plant garlic in the garden to repel ticks. You can also crush garlic cloves and spread them along your walkways and other plants.

Garlic is a good natural insect repellant for repelling lots of insects and, of course, it’s great against ticks. On the other hand , be careful if you have cats, because for some, garlic can be dangerous.


Rosemary repels many insects like ticks and fleas in the area where it is planted. Plus, rosemary will also help repel flies and mosquitoes. In addition, rosemary is effective in scaring away slugs and snails. Rosemary is a plant that grows naturally throughout the Mediterranean region. If you take good care of it, you can grow it perfectly with another climate.

In addition to being a very effective natural repellent, it has two properties. One is its decorative touch because it has a light blue flower which is very beautiful and which will give a touch of color to your garden. The other is that rosemary contains great sources of amino acids in addition to being a delicious condiment.


In addition to being a plant that gives colorful flowers and perfectly beautifies any garden, chrysanthemums are an excellent natural repellent against fleas.  By the way, the flower of this plant also repels lice and cockroaches.

Chrysanthemums are annuals or perennials that grow easily and are used as an ornament. Plant these flowers around the edges of your garden or around other plants to increase their effects against fleas and ticks.


Lavender is the most widely used plant as a natural repellant. She belongs to the mint family and is very beautiful. Lavender has very colorful flowers and an exquisite aroma. This plant is extremely safe for pets. Lavender repels fleas by releasing a particularly pleasant smell and decorating your beds in a subtle way.

The flowers of lavender, of a tender blue or purplish blue and in the shape of small corolla, give off a very pleasant scent. This plant only grows in rocky, but well-drained, calcareous and sunny soils.

In addition to preventing the appearance of fleas and ticks, it also repels mites and mosquitoes. These are just a few of the reasons lavender is one of the most used plants in gardens.


Catnip is an herb very similar to mint that appeals to most cats. This species is also known by the pictorial name of catnip or catmint. This plant secretes an intense smell of menthol which attracts cats while protecting them from fleas as it also contains an oil that repels insects. Its leaves are widely used in the production of toys to entertain cats.


Lemongrass also called Indian verbena is a tropical herbaceous plant of the Poaceae (grasses) family, which is cultivated for its stems and leaves with aromatic qualities with a lemon flavor.

This plant has many properties, among which stand out antiseptic, digestive and natural flea repellents. It is also used in gastronomy because of the intensity of its aroma and its flavor.


The daisy is a beautiful white flower with white leaves and a yellow center. It is widely used in gardening for the beauty of its flowers. In addition, it is a very good repellent against fleas, mosquitoes and flies which is not dangerous for your pets. A good idea is to rub the leaves of this flower on your pet’s hair.


Sage is known for its antimicrobial and pesticidal activity. The active ingredient in sage is toxic to fleas and other insects. In many places sage grows wild but can also be planted in patios and gardens.

Sage is a natural flea repellant and it smells great. It is a plant that is extremely safe for pets and its aroma intensifies after the rain. Plant sage in your garden and enjoy all its benefits.


Both fleas and ticks can threaten our pets and cause them discomfort and skin damage. Instead of using chemicals, which can cause damage and are usually very expensive, use all of these plants which are extremely powerful natural repellents. In addition, they are also an ideal complement to beautify your garden.

In general, fleas and ticks are bothered by fragrant plants which, for some, also allow us to season our dishes (mint, rosemary, basil, etc.). So why not combine business with pleasure while respecting the environment and the health of your pets?

There are many products that are very effective, but contain large doses of chemicals that can affect both pets and owners. Fleas are external parasites that live on warm-blooded animals. We find them frequently on dogs and cats, and removing them can be a difficult task. When there is an outbreak of fleas in your home and they mainly attack animals, our duty is to get rid of them. Diatomaceous earth is the safest option for getting rid of fleas and ticks. While it is fatal to parasites, it is harmless to humans and animals. Everyone who has or has ever had animals has had to deal with fleas.

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