Basil Remedy For Alopecia

Do you often lose your hair, due to medical problems or heredity? We are going to share with you a remedy that will allow you to fight against alopecia and promote their growth.

In fall and spring hair tends to fall out, but sometimes there are other health reasons that can lead to alopecia.

In this article, you will discover how a simple infusion of basil can help you achieve stronger, thicker hair and fight alopecia.

Why do we suffer from alopecia?

It is very usual to lose your hair a little more during the fall and spring seasons.

It is part of the body’s natural regeneration. Indeed, after a few weeks, the hair becomes as before.

However, in some cases these periods can last until the moment we start to notice a significant loss of hair density.

It is then that we must learn about the cause of this significant hair loss. In order to set up an appropriate treatment.

The most common causes are:

  • Nutritional deficits
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Stress
  • Continuous exposure to harsh chemicals for our scalp
  • Genetic predisposition

The natural remedy that we are going to offer you must be carried out in parallel with a personalized treatment to fight against alopecia during the seasons concerned.

The Basilic

This plant is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine to flavor all types of dishes such as salads, pasta, rice, creams and sauces, etc.

In natural medicine, basil is known for its digestive and nervous system regulatory properties.

Basil helps fight against alopecia.

How to prepare this lotion?

This hair lotion is very easy to prepare.

You will only need two ingredients:

  • 150 grams of fresh basil leaves
  • 1 liter of water

How to develop it? 

  • Boil the water and basil for twenty minutes.
  • Flatten the leaves properly so that the active ingredients of the plant can diffuse.
  • If we don’t have fresh leaves, use dry leaves, and boil them for only five minutes, then let stand for ten minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and store it in a glass vial in the refrigerator.

This amount will serve you about four applications of 200 ml (one glass) each.

How to apply it?

  • This lotion should be applied after washing your hair normally. You can apply it with a glass or with a container that has a spray.
  • Then do not immediately rinse your hair. But do yourself a scalp massage while they are drying. 
  • For this you need to make circles slowly, pressing lightly on the scalp.
  • This massage will improve the absorption of the properties of basil and activate blood flow. You will surely feel pleasant sensations on your head.
  • In a short time, you will be able to see  that your hair is stronger and that its fall gradually decreases.

Supplements to fight against alopecia

Any natural treatment should focus on the internal as well as the external reasons for a problem, and alopecia is no exception.

In addition to seeking advice from a specialist to find out the cause of the problem, it is also possible to take a natural supplement to strengthen your hair and minimize hair loss.

  • Brewer’s yeast: It is an excellent supplement for the skin, hair and nails. It helps strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling out.
  • Scab: This Andean root improves hair health while regulating hormonal disorders in a natural way.
  • Linseed oil : Rich in fatty acids, this oil brings shine and nutrition to our hair. It is ideal when suffering from alopecia and drought.

Brewer's yeast is excellent for combating alopecia.

General care to fight against alopecia

People who tend to have hair problems like seborrhea, dryness, dandruff, or alopecia, should  pay attention to all the products they use, starting with shampoos and conditioners.

Indeed, these products often tend to be too harsh on the hair, because of the many chemicals they contain.

These components look radiant right after use, but the next day the hair is damaged again, and over time it becomes brittle and falls out more easily.

In addition to avoiding conventional shampoos, it is also good to limit or ban all hairstyling treatments such as dyes or perms, at least during times when the hair is regenerating.

In addition, you can occasionally use a natural treatment, based on products like keratin, as it will help you strengthen your hair and give it more volume.

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