Cleansing The Liver And Gallbladder With Olive Oil And Grapefruit

When the liver and gallbladder are already contaminated, it is necessary to resort to additional remedies, in addition to following a healthy and balanced diet.

The liver performs a very important function for the health of the body in general. Therefore, cleansing the liver is paramount.

It is responsible for filtering toxins, viruses and bacteria from the blood, while playing a fundamental role in the body’s metabolism and immune system.

It is for this reason that its proper functioning is essential to prevent diseases and various disorders that can appear when the body does not have the capacity to eliminate all wastes adequately.

It is therefore ideal to resort to a cleansing of the liver and the gallbladder, in order to eliminate all the accumulated waste and thus, to guarantee their good health.

Problems due to damaged liver

When the liver begins to have difficulty working, its ability to perform its vital functions weakens.

Here are the functions of the liver:

  • Fight infections 
  • Make essential enzymes and proteins
  • Secreting bile to help digestion
  • Absorb and store essential nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K
  • Making and regulating hormones
  • Eliminate wastes in the blood 

What are the causes of liver damage?

The body has to work for 24 hours to eliminate toxic substances and wastes which reach various organs of the body due to modern lifestyle and free radicals.

The liver is one of the hardest working organs. An overload of work can therefore generate serious disturbances and alterations in its functioning.

Some of the main causes of damaged liver are: 

  • The use and abuse of recreational and prescriptive drugs.
  • An accumulation of toxins absorbed through the skin, through respiration and through food.
  • Autoimmune attacks like non-infectious hepatitis, viral hepatitis or cancer.
  • Environmental factors.

What is liver and gallbladder cleansing with olive oil and grapefruit?

Modifying your lifestyle by adopting a healthy diet and good water consumption as well as by performing exercises,  are the most important steps to achieve a good cleansing of the liver and prevent disorders in this vital organ.

When the liver and gallbladder are already contaminated, it is necessary to take even more drastic measures and to support one’s diet with remedies that help to purify and eliminate waste substances.

The combination of olive oil and grapefruit can therefore act as a tonic and a hepatic and biliary purifier.

It is therefore important to include this remedy in our daily diet, in order to encourage the depurative function of our liver.

The benefits of olive oil

This ingredient of the Mediterranean diet is a natural protector of the liver.

Indeed, it has a strong antioxidant power which slows down the action of toxins that reach the body, following exposure to pollution and chemicals in the environment.

Olive oil reduces inflammation and oxidative stress caused by toxins.

In addition, thanks to its strong antioxidant action, it helps us protect liver cells.

The benefits of grapefruit

This fruit is the diuretic par excellence, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and bioflavonoids, antioxidants that help eliminate waste from the body.

Natural grapefruit juice stimulates the production of detoxifying enzymes in the liver. They are responsible for stopping the action of free radicals and also preventing chronic diseases such as cancer.

How to carry out this cleaning?

The following formula for detoxifying the liver and gallbladder is effective as long as you adopt a healthy diet and minimize the factors that can generate poisoning.


  • ½ red grapefruit
  • ¼ lemon
  • 1 small clove of grated garlic
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (25 or 50 g)


  • Cut the grapefruit in half and reserve the rind.
  • Cut the lemon in the same way and put it in the blender with the grapefruit, crushed garlic and olive oil.
  • Beat the ingredients quickly until they form a  paste and then let stand for an hour.
  • When the time is up, eat a spoonful of the mixture or dilute it in water. 

Method of use

  • This liver cleanse is very short, because it needs to be done only for two days.
  • Eat the paste in the morning or evening. To complete the cleansing, also consume herbal teas, vegetable broths and natural smoothies.

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