Getting Your Bones Cracked: Is It Dangerous?

This little sound that we hear cracking our fingers, wrists, ankles or any other part of the body comes from bubbles that are in the fluid around the joints, and that burst.

Getting our bones cracked, especially our fingers, is a more than usual practice that we use to relax.

However, different studies have indicated that cracking your bones is dangerous.

In this article we will present the reasons that led to this conclusion. You will also learn what happens when we hear that distinctive little “click”.

Why are our fingers cracking?

You probably already know that the joints are the point of contact between the bones. They are covered with a thick fluid called synovial fluid.

When we crack our fingers, for example, we stretch them out, causing the joint to separate.

The capsule which surrounds this joint lengthens and its volume increases, which decreases the pressure.

When this happens, the gases released into the synovial fluid form bubbles. As they explode, they produce that little sound that everyone knows.

Person suffering from pain in the bones of the hands

The gas takes thirty minutes to dissolve in the liquid. This is why it is advisable to re-crack your fingers 30 minutes after we have done it the first time and have heard that “click”.

The risks involved in breaking your bones

Regarding the risks associated with this gesture, it should be noted that there is very little scientific research on the subject.

Studies have been done to find out whether people who get cracked bones are more likely to suffer from joint damage such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

They found that the fingers showed signs of damage such as soft tissue damage, and decreased strength in the fingers.

It appears to be due to the rapid and repetitive stretching and contraction of the ligaments in the joints.

Hand pain may indicate osteoarthritis

What is true is that our bones are more mobile after we crack them. Our joints are also more relaxed.

This is why many people perform this gesture on a daily basis. Other people call on a chiropractor. The job of this professional is to put back the bones in order to remove tension.

People who take this type of treatment report feeling more relaxed. They feel lighter and the pains and contractures have almost disappeared.

Cracking your fingers leads to muscle loss

Some studies have shown that muscle wasting is the major consequence of cracking bones.

But beware, it is people who do not participate in physical activity who suffer from this problem, because cracking bones is the only time of the day when muscles and joints are stretched.

Lack of exercise is responsible for the lack of strength in the muscles. This is why these people feel like they are tired or under pressure.

This creates a kind of vicious circle in which the person repeatedly cracks their fingers to feel more relaxed for a few hours.

The actions to adopt

We often seek to relieve pain or relax our joints through this practice. However, we must not forget that this is a sudden gesture that unbalances our joints.

But contrary to what we might think, it does not relieve muscle tension. This  serves to release more synovial fluid, the natural lubricant that helps prevent friction between bones.

Therefore, it can cause damage to the bones, but also possible bone cracks.

Other consequences are stiffness, deformation of the damaged part and excessive pain which disappears with rest.

It is usually people over 40 who suffer from this problem which mainly affects the hands (fingers and wrists), and the neck.

The best way to avoid damaging your bones is to perform simple exercises that are appropriate for your age and physical condition. Walking and swimming are the two most recommended sports.

Cracking your bones can cause joint problems.

Activities that promote muscle strength and flexibility are also highly recommended, as they increase tolerance to perform all kinds of tasks without damaging or overloading joints.

After the age of 30, the elasticity of the tissues begins to be lost. That is why it is necessary to avoid bad habits. For example, sedentary lifestyles and bad postures in front of the PC or television must be avoided.

Does Cracking Your Fingers Cause Arthritis?

Many wonder if cracking bones leads to arthritis.

As we mentioned above, what is certain is that repeating this gesture every day for years damages the cartilage in theory.

One of the best-known studies on this subject was carried out by Dr. Donald Unger. For over 60 years, he had his fingers cracked on his left hand twice a day, but never on his right hand.

Every year he examined his hands. He never found any sign of this degenerative disease. Not even in the hand he was cracking.

It's best to avoid cracking your bones.

Another study conducted on 30 elderly people in a retirement home in Los Angeles showed the opposite. Those who had had their fingers cracked throughout their lives suffered from arthritis.

A third study, this time around 45-year-old adults from Detroit, showed that the grip was weaker. In addition,  in 80% of cases, participants suffered from swelling in the hands.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid cracking your bones, although once in a while it doesn’t hurt to release tension!

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