Dandelion Helps Us Treat Eczema According To Study

If we get into the habit of drinking dandelion tea every night, we will promote detoxification of the body and reduce inflammation caused by eczema.

Dandelion or lion’s tooth has been a multipurpose remedy for almost 1000 years, capable of treating ailments ranging from the liver, to digestive pain and skin problems.

However, far from being the classic remedy of grandmothers, science accredits many of its benefits. One of them is the one referring to eczema.

“Eczema” is the general term used to define dermatitis or inflammation of the skin. As we already know, there are different degrees of dermatitis, ranging from the most severe atopic to seborrheic or allergic.

It should be emphasized here that eczema and psoriasis are two completely different processes. It is therefore important to note this, as there are many who think they are responding to the same situation.

Psoriasis is represented by this peeling of the skin and this whitening where a different treatment will be necessary than that of eczema.

So in this case the dandelion will not be so effective as in the case of a simple dermatitis.

In particular, and according to what a study conducted by the Dermatology Department of Odense University Hospital (Denmark) explains, dandelion will help us when we suffer from dysidrotic eczema.

Dandelion, a natural purifier

  • The Danish study we referred to begins in 2010 with a group of 20 people. Each of them suffered from this kind of eczema characterized by the appearance of blisters on the skin which caused an unpleasant burn.
  • They were given a concentrated dandelion juice for 4 weeks. After a few days, the patients were already seeing improvements in their symptoms.

After a month, the blisters were gone.

The action of this medicinal plant is based on the following aspects:

Dandelion and its microbial action

Dandelion and its microbial action

Dandelion sap has always been used as a treatment to fight skin diseases.

Whether used topically or taken as an infusion, it becomes an effective treatment thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal action.

Thus, the dandelion is an alkaline remedy of great effectiveness to purify the organism and to relieve the disorders of hormones which derive in affections of the skin.

The antioxidant effect of dandelion

The antioxidant action of this simple remedy works directly on the skin cells to reduce inflammation.

Thanks to its vitamins A, C, D, and B, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium, we manage to rebuild the damaged tissue where dermatitis develops.

Its action on the liver benefits skin care

When our liver does not filter toxins adequately, the effects trickle down to our skin.

We accumulate fluids, appear more acne, we suffer from inflammation, itching and our skin tone even changes.

  • Taking a dandelion tea on a regular basis will provide the liver with a number of antioxidants such as vitamin C and luteolin.
  • We strengthen the liver function and therefore, we increase our defenses by optimizing both the immune system to be able to fight eczema.

How to consume dandelion to relieve dermatitis or eczema?

What do you need ?

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of dandelion (5 g)


We will do the same as for any infusion: we will put water to boil and, once it begins to boil, we will add this teaspoon of dandelion again.

  • Let steep for 15 minutes, then let sit for 5 more minutes.
  • Filter the contents and, if you want to sweeten it, add a little honey.

When should we drink it?

It is best to take our dandelion infusion every night.

As we have already stated, the relationship between the liver and the skin is very closely related. So, to strengthen and protect liver function, it is best to take it before going to bed.

  • In this way, we will promote the regeneration of the organism as it performs its toxin purification tasks.
  • It is important to insist on taking this infusion every night.

This way, our body will get used to it and thus we can harmonize these detox functions to reduce the inflammation that develops with eczema.

Contraindications of dandelion

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to consume dandelion in the following circumstances:

Calculations in the gallbladder

Dandelion stimulates the gallbladder by increasing the production of bile.

Stones in the kidneys

Dandelion and its action on kidney stones

Dandelion leaves contain a large amount of oxalates, which therefore promote the formation of stones.

Stomach acidity

Dandelion also stimulates gastric juices, which is not indicated in cases of stomach acid or reflux.

Stomach ulcer

In the case of stomach ulcers it is also not recommended to consume it. The reason is the same: it increases gastric juices.

Also remember that dandelion cannot be combined with certain medications. Lithium or antibiotics are two perfect examples. In this case, consult your doctor before consuming it.

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