Find Out How Swimming Improves Health

If someone tells you that swimming is the most complete exercise there is, believe them. Swimming helps improve physical and mental health, and allows us to become the person we love the most in the world.

Addiction to running sports like swimming is discarding other sports, which are very effective in shaping the figure, as well as in maintaining good health.

When you swim, you exercise all parts of the body and you can also train various things, from resistance to strength.

All this thanks to low impact exercises, since the water gives us a feeling of greater lightness.

So swimming is an ideal activity for anyone , of any age. Even for those who suffer from muscle and bone problems.

On the other hand, it is highly recommended for these people, especially if the exercises are adapted to their needs. Find out in this article how swimming can improve your health.

Are you ready to discover all of its virtues?

Why is swimming good for you?

1. Stimulate your blood circulation

The movement stimulates blood circulation. When we are in the pool, not only do we move our arms, but we use both the upper level and the lower level.

In addition, we put in motion parts of the body that we tend to forget when we go to the gym, such as the ankles, wrists or toes and fingers.

The feet are very important, because it is in these areas that the greatest problems with blood circulation take place.

Here, because of the alignment of the whole body horizontally, together with the movement, blood is allowed to circulate normally throughout the body.

2. Shape your figure with swimming

First of all, with swimming, we do a lot of cardiovascular work. It is very important for burning fat.

But that’s not all. We also use force to push the water with the body, which invigorates it.

  • If you want to accentuate this result, we recommend that you use tools like the pullover or the plank to strengthen some limbs rather than others, when you go to the pool.
  • In addition, you can intersperse periods of gentle swimming with periods of maximum intensity. Thanks to these, you will quickly increase your heart rate and you will burn more fat.

3. Reduce stress

Swimming helps reduce stress.

Swimming helps improve mental health because it requires concentration in the technique.

Like all sports activities, thanks to it, we secrete serotonin and we eliminate cortisol, respective hormones of pleasure and stress.

But, unlike running , swimming requires careful execution of the styles you practice, which is a blessing for those who tend to ruminate.

When you are in the water, there is only your body and yourself. The outside world ceases to exist.

4. Relieve your muscle tension

This is the direct consequence of what we have already said. Contractures appear when our muscles are too fragile to support our daily obligations.

So the techniques and programs that we do in the water help us invigorate the muscles, and we eliminate these tensions, or at least we lower their intensity.

There are also people whose emotional discomfort manifests itself in the form of neck or back pain. If this is your case, go for a swim from time to time to improve these conditions.

5. Improve your self-esteem

Think about that moment when you step out of the pool. Without stress, without pain and seeing your silhouette slimmer day after day. The satisfaction is incredible.

Now think it’s eight o’clock, and you go to work feeling full.

Thanks to it, everything is easier: your tasks and relationships with those around you. And when you go to bed, you sleep straight away.

This is how you build good self-esteem. And swimming helps improve health.

Starting your day with this dose of physical and mental positivity contributes to an easier life and a more positive self-image.

As you can see, this is a highly recommended activity, especially if you do it in the early hours of the morning.

The benefits are multiplied and put you in condition to enjoy the day, as well as to face its difficulties.

Are you motivated? Will you tell us? Many people like to share their experiences as soon as they find swimming helps them improve their health.

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