Bodybuilding Routine

Bodybuilding routine should include several routines, so as not to strain the muscles too much and thus avoid injury. Diet is also a determining factor in achieving the desired goal. 

If you practice or wish to practice bodybuilding, here you will find some basic information on the subject.

In particular, you will discover a typical bodybuilding routine that you should keep in mind at all times.

Bodybuilding, what is it? 

It is possible to shape the body at will. Bodybuilding is an activity that consists in increasing muscle mass significantly, in order to mark all the muscles of the body.

Many people think of bodybuilding as a sport. But it’s more than just a sporting activity.

It is a real way of life, hence the term “culture”, because this activity involves a lot of effort and will.

Bodybuilders practice physical activity with an aesthetic objective evaluated by a jury. To achieve the desired symmetry, the aspects to take into account are:

  • health
  • food
  • the poses
  • training

If you want to adopt this way of life, it is necessary to bear in mind that you should not put too much strain on the body. You need to take your abilities and health into consideration.

Before you start, it is preferable to have a medical check-up, in order to rule out a possible health problem.

An Appropriate Exercise Routine For Bodybuilders 

To start training bodybuilders, it is best that you set realistic goals and arm yourself with patience. It will be a long process.

Every exercise routine should start with a suitable warm-up. The first thing to do, therefore, is to do aerobic exercises, such as cycling or skipping for 10-15 minutes.

Once the body has warmed up, it is important to remember that bodybuilding seeks body symmetry. You then have to work the different muscle groups in the body individually, that is, one muscle group at a time.

Also, keep in mind that rest is just as important.

1. Squats

  • To start, do 2 sets of 15 reps without adding weight.
  • Then, in the appropriate position, add weight and do 3 different sets: a set of 12, a set of 10, and a final set of 8.

Resting between sets for 1-2 minutes is essential to reduce the risk of injury.

2. The pectorals

  • Start with 2 sets of 12 and a light weight.
  • Then increase the weight, and do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Also, try to rest for 1-2 minutes between each set.

3. The triceps, shoulders and back

  • Extensions behind the head (triceps)
    • Start with 2 sets of 12 and light dumbbells.
    • Add more weight, and do 3 sets of 12 reps. Between each set, rest for 1-2 minutes.
  • The military press with a bar (shoulders)
    • In the same way as the bench press.
  • Oars (back)
    • Like the previous exercises.

4. Abs and calves

  • Abdominals. Do 3 sets of 12 reps, with a 1-2 minute break between each set.
  • Calf elevation. For this exercise, you must stand on your tiptoes. Do 2 sets of 20 reps, with a 1-2 minute break between the two sets.

It is best to avoid doing all these exercises in a row. We recommend that you follow this routine three times a week, or not work the same muscle group two days in a row.

If you practice these routines regularly, you will feel pain from the build-up of lactic acid.

Three essential factors to take into account:

  • the rest
  • the gradual increase in weights used for training
  • food

An adapted food program 

high carbohydrate diet for bodybuilders

To obtain the desired results, that is to say the increase in muscle mass, it is necessary to follow a food program rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta, eggs, cereals, potatoes, etc.).

These nutrients will give you the energy you need for workouts.

Likewise, it is better to consume a lot of protein, which promotes muscle mass gain.

It is essential to adapt these routines, in order to avoid excessive fatigue and to work the same muscle groups every time.

After three months, you will observe significant changes. You can then follow more complex routines.

And voila, you now know the routine that bodybuilders adopt!

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