Clogged Arteries: Clean Them With A Delicious Drink

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, pomegranate juice can reduce high blood pressure and oxidative stress in the blood, which would lead to less damage arteriosclerotic.

Clogged arteries are a topic of concern to many people, especially since it is a common problem all over the world.

This problem is caused by poor diet and sedentary lifestyle, and it drastically increases the cholesterol level in the blood.

However, many people are unaware that blocked arteries are a health concern that can be prevented and treated naturally. This can be done with just a simple drink that you can prepare at home.

A recent study determined that pomegranate extract may help prevent or delay atherosclerosis. It is the pathology relating to the progressive widening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty elements.


This study, published in the journal  Atherosclerosis,  shows that pomegranate can help unclog blocked arteries that harbor a large amount of cholesterol.

Before coming to this conclusion,  the researchers conducted tests on rodents with coronary problems. They consisted of giving them pomegranate extract over a long period of time.

After the study was completed, they concluded that pomegranate consumption was a determining factor. It has in fact made it possible to prevent rodents from suffering more from the accumulation of fat in the arteries, and therefore from the hardening of the latter.

This study on the benefits of pomegranate extract for cleaning blocked arteries, has highlighted other beneficial properties. Indeed, the pomegranate reduces:

  • The rate of oxidative stress.
  • Type 1 monocyte chemotactic protein, a chemical messenger associated with inflammatory processes within arteries.
  • Cardiac hypertrophy.
  • The accumulation of fat in the heart muscle.
  • The infiltration of macrophages into the heart muscle.
  • Fluctuations in the ECG.

Why is a simple fruit like pomegranate so good for the heart?

pomegranate grains heart

The benefits of pomegranate are due to its high content of antioxidants, including vitamin C and polyphenols. 

Double Nobel Prize in chemistry, Linus Pauling says that the main cause of cardiovascular disease is a deficiency in vitamin C.

In addition, pomegranates have an anti-inflammatory power which plays a fundamental role in the prevention of heart problems.

Thanks to this property,  pomegranates are said to help reduce high blood pressure.

They are therefore ideal for blood circulation and strengthen the immune system, which helps prevent infections.

Pomegranate juice to lower cholesterol and cleanse clogged arteries

This powerful juice made from pomegranates and apples is highly concentrated in substances such as flavonoids, tannins, and fiber. They participate in the reduction of cholesterol and the cleaning of blocked arteries.


  • 3 apples
  • 1 pomegranate

How to prepare this juice?

Wash all the fruit thoroughly to remove all traces of pesticides and bacteria.

Remove the skin from the pomegranate, and cut it into large pieces, like apples.

Then put everything in a blender and add a little water. You can consume this drink immediately after preparing it.

Other important benefits of pomegranate juice

pomegranate juice

Besides the fact that it helps to clean blocked arteries, regular consumption of this pomegranate juice will bring a whole series of benefits to your body:

  • This juice is rich in antioxidants. It has a strong antioxidant power which participates in the reduction of oxidative stress in the blood.
    Various studies have indeed revealed that the decrease in oxidative stress made it possible to reduce the size of atherosclerotic lesions by up to 44%.
  • This juice has anticarcinogenic properties. Thanks to its high content of antioxidants, it plays a significant role in preventing cancer.
    Many studies have shown that pomegranate juice can help fight cancer. This in fact contributes to the destruction and inhibition of malignant cells.
    Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day can also delay the progression of prostate cancer.
  • This juice is an ally when it comes to losing weight. Pomegranate juice is indeed an excellent ally for people who want to regain an ideal weight.
    Consuming this juice in addition to the diet while practicing physical exercise thus makes it possible to burn fat more easily, and to obtain results faster.
    This benefit is due to its action which promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, and its ability to increase energy levels.
  • This juice strengthens the immune system. The antioxidant components of pomegranate juice make it an excellent ally of the immune system.
    It is therefore ideal for increasing defenses and protecting us from viruses, bacteria and fungi.

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