Cream Of Asparagus: 2 Recipes That You Will Love To Discover

If you want to prepare a delicious cream of asparagus but not like you are used to, today we present two different recipes that will help you to develop new and very appetizing asparagus creams. Do not miss them and enjoy all the health benefits of asparagus.

Asparagus has been consumed for many years because of its many health benefits. It was offered to the Greek and Egyptian gods thousands of years ago. Fortunately, its consumption then spread to many more social strata among the population of the time thanks to the Romans, who made it discover all over Europe.

With the decline of the Roman Empire, the consumption of asparagus declined markedly. However, in the 12th century asparagus reappeared to acquire great fame thanks to its innumerable gastronomic qualities.

Then in the 17th century, asparagus became one of the foods most consumed by the bourgeoisie and the upper classes of society. Until the 19th century, the only known type of asparagus was green. However, thanks to a change in the mode of cultivation (underground), the white variety emerged. The difference is related to the degree of contact with the sun of the plant (green contains chlorophyll).

Over time, asparagus began to integrate more and more often into the cuisine of different countries and regions. Thus, today we can taste such exquisite dishes such as cream of asparagus.

The main producers of asparagus are Germany, Italy and France. These are therefore the countries which also consume the most and are closely followed by Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Turkey. In view of this success, there are many recipes for making delicious asparagus creams and all of them are exquisite.

For this reason, today we are going to present to you in this article the two best cream of asparagus recipes to encourage you to prepare them yourself and enjoy all their benefits.

The benefits of asparagus

the benefits of cream of asparagus

First of all, you should know that asparagus contains many nutrients that are very beneficial for your health.

To begin with, they have a high content of vitamins: A, C, E and K, folic acid, potassium, trace elements, fibers but also in antioxidants. Consuming them periodically provides the body with many essential nutrients necessary for its proper functioning.

The action of these nutrients results in diuretic qualities, which help the body to release toxins and prevent premature aging to better fight against free radicals. In addition, regular consumption of asparagus greatly promotes the circulatory system.

Asparagus contains a large amount of folic acid. This nutrient is not only responsible for improving health in pregnant women and helping the fetus in its development, but also has beneficial effects for the brain. It also reduces the risk of suffering from cognitive deterioration, but is also used to get to sleep, fight insomnia and treat depression.

Another of the benefits of asparagus is related to its contribution of nutrients that support the immune system. They are therefore ideal for preventing colds, flu and any viral or bacterial illness. In addition, it also contains a high percentage of zinc and folic acid, substances that strengthen the nervous system.

In addition, asparagus is recommended for strengthening bones and preventing fractures thanks to its vitamin K content. Whether due to osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, the skeletal system needs to be strengthened especially for the elderly. In the case of children, this will help them grow and develop normally.

In addition, asparagus has the ability to regulate intestinal transit due to the presence of fibers in its composition. It helps prevent, treat and prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticula in the colon and irritable bowel syndrome. Its fiber, on the other hand, has other properties such as, for example, contributing to the reduction of cholesterol and promoting the breakdown of sugars in the blood.

If you are on a diet to lose weight you cannot forget to include asparagus in your meals. They also help to calm the appetite, and help us not to eat food for anxiety, depression or boredom.

Classic cream of asparagus recipe

Although greenhouses and cold rooms allow us to get vegetables all year round, the best time to consume asparagus is in the spring. During other periods, you can enjoy it in the form of preserves, for example.

The following recipe is the most common cream of asparagus preparation, so it is perhaps not only the best known but also the easiest to prepare. And best of all, this recipe does not require a lot of ingredients or a special methodology for its preparation.

To prepare the following recipe, the quantities are indicated will allow you to prepare a delicious dish for two people.


  • ½ onion
  • ½ potato
  • Olive oil
  • Liquid cream for cooking
  • 1 bunch of green asparagus (325 g)
  • 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth (500 mL)
  • Condiments: salt and white pepper
  • Optional: 1 leek


  • Wash and cut the white base of the asparagus to keep only the rest and cut them into medium sized pieces.
  • In a saucepan, brown the onion and potato in olive oil. Once ready, you can reserve them separately.
  • In a saucepan, boil the chicken broth with a drizzle of olive oil. Once the broth reaches the boiling point, you can stir in the asparagus in pieces. You will need to let them cook for a few minutes over medium heat.
  • Then turn off the heat, add the onion and the potato and mix all the ingredients until you get a smooth cream.
  • Finally, salt and pepper to taste and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  • Once the 15 minutes have elapsed, add a little liquid cream to the asparagus soup and let it sit for a few minutes so that it integrates well.
  • Finally, you can decorate this delicious cream of asparagus according to your tastes and serve it piping hot.

Semi-sweet cream of asparagus

how to prepare a semi-sweet asparagus cream

For this second cream of asparagus recipe, we offer you a delicious combination of sweet and savory asparagus cream that will amaze you. For the preparation of this recipe, you will need to provide the following ingredients:


  • 1 bunch of green asparagus
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • fresh basil
  • Olive oil
  • 2 leeks
  • 2 zucchini
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 2 large apples
  • Condiments: salt, cinnamon.
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of brown sugar (5 g)


  • Peel and cut the garlic into small pieces (as fine as possible). Then do the same with the onions, zucchini and leeks.
  • As in the previous recipe, cut the white base of the asparagus to keep only the rest. You will only use the clean stems of the asparagus and cut them into medium sized pieces.
  • Apart, you can start peeling and cutting the apples into pieces, not forgetting to remove the seeds. Then place them in a saucepan with a little water and cinnamon so that they soften well. Be careful, don’t let them turn into a compote.
  • Then heat a pan with a drizzle of olive oil and brown the onion and garlic. Once they’re ready, add the leeks, asparagus and zucchini.
  • Finally, you will have to pass all the ingredients from the pan to the pan with the apples and cinnamon. Add a little water to cover all the ingredients and cook for about 15 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, you can turn off the heat and let stand this semi-sweet cream of asparagus.
  • Finally, you can salt to your taste and mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. Finally, add the fresh basil and serve this delicious sweet and savory cream of asparagus piping hot.

Asparagus cream is a dish that can be enjoyed as a starter as well as for a light dinner. Everything will depend on our hunger and the desire of the moment. The important thing is to take care of the quality of the food chosen, the cooking times and the intensity of the fire so that these two recipes are perfectly successful.

Go ahead, try making these delicious asparagus creams and give them your personal touch! Don’t forget to share and share these recipes with family and friends. Also note that once cooked, asparagus can also be used as a garnish to accompany your meals. You can also include them as ingredients in other dishes.

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