Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms And Treatment

Although we can all suffer from it at one time or another, scientists believe that Crohn’s disease, which usually manifests between the age of 13 and 30 years old, has a hereditary character.

You may have heard of Crohn’s disease before, or you may have it. Many people are affected by this problem and therefore have to adapt their lives to this inflammatory bowel disease.

The whole digestive system is affected by the disease, from the mouth to the rectum. It is always good to know its symptoms so that you can easily recognize this disease.

We are therefore going to explain the symptoms of Crohn’s disease to you in this article!

Currently, the cause of this disease is not yet known. However, it is an infection that attacks our immune system by mistake and destroys all healthy tissue.

The inflammation then becomes chronic and will affect the intestinal walls by enlarging them.

So we will clearly see what this disease consists of!

What is Crohn’s disease?

Anatomy of the digestive system

Crohn’s disease is primarily caused by irritation or swelling of any part of the digestive tract. It can affect us in two ways: it can inflame the small intestine or act like ulcerative colitis in the large intestine, colon, and rectum.

Scar tissue forms in the intestine, and then it builds up until the intestine becomes smaller.

Food and feces then have difficulty in passing through the digestive tract: they do so slowly and painfully. This causes pain, colic, and diarrhea.

Who suffers from this disease?

We can all develop Crohn’s disease.

It occurs just as much in women as in men. However, scientists believe that it has a hereditary basis, meaning that it is passed from parents to children, and often appears between the ages of 13 and 30.

Where does Crohn’s disease come from?

Research is underway to understand the origin of this disease. Currently, however, we know that it comes from the immune system.

He is confused, without knowing why, and starts attacking harmless bacteria and viruses. During this attack, white blood cells accumulate in the intestinal lining.

These eventually heal and stay in our intestines, which is what causes chronic inflammation and pain.

What are the symptoms of Crohn’s disease?

The symptoms of this disease depend first of all on the gastrointestinal area which is affected: the mouth, the large intestine, the rectum, etc.

They can appear suddenly and then disappear, or, conversely, can stay for a longer time. The symptoms are usually the following:

  • Stomach pain, cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Little desire to eat
  • Weight loss
  • Pain when going to the toilet
  • Constipation
  • Eye inflammation
  • Fistulas of pus in the rectal area
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Inflammation, joint pain
  • Sores on the skin
  • Swelling of the gums in the mouth

What tests detect Crohn’s disease?

Our doctor will decide on the tests to be done to obtain the correct diagnosis and not to confuse this disease with another.

Indeed, the symptoms can sometimes lead to confusion. Most often, you will be asked to perform:

  • A blood test
  • Colonoscopies
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • A series of x-rays of the abdomen (x-rays)


In general, the following medical resources are used to treat Crohn’s disease:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: they help relieve inflammation, pain and diarrhea.
  • Steroids: These are used for a short period of time as they often cause serious side effects.
  • Immune system suppressants such as azathioprine: they prevent the immune system from attacking healthy parts of our body.
  • Antibiotics:  These are used to treat the buildup of bacteria in the small intestine.

Food and nutrition

Diet and Crohn's disease

Unfortunately, diet will not solve the problem of Crohn’s disease, but can still relieve inflammation and pain.

It will therefore help us to have a better quality of life. This is why nutritionists recommend following the following indications:

  • Consuming vitamin B12 will alleviate many symptoms, and it will prevent anemia and inflammation while strengthening our immune system.
  • Take calcium and vitamin D supplements: they will help us better perform our basic functions.
  • Drink plenty of water, in small amounts throughout the day.
  • Avoid foods high in fiber. The intestines suffering from inflammation cannot stand it.
  • Eliminate fatty foods, fried foods and also sauces.
  • Dairy products are also to be avoided. They are difficult to digest and cause pain.
  • Finally, avoid foods that create gas.

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