Dinner: 6 Key Tips For Better Sleep

To promote sleep, it is important to eat foods rich in tryptophan at dinner, such as pulses, honey, or turkey or turkey meat. chicken.

Did you know that what you eat before bed can influence the quality of your sleep? According to the Institute of Biomedicine and Nutrition at the Finnish University of Helsinki, energy dinners (high in fat or refined carbohydrates) can lead to insomnia.

While it is obvious that factors like stress can affect our rest, it is very important that the last meal of the day contains essential nutrients to promote restful sleep.

Usually, we spend the day away from home, we eat little and badly, and dinner becomes a time to satiate our cravings. As much as possible, you should avoid this phenomenon by trying to eat well during the day, so that your stomach does not feel empty at dinner time.

According to various studies conducted by the University of Helsinki , the link between diet and sleep is very important.

  • Melatonin (this essential molecule that will regulate our sleep-wake rhythm), serotonin and tryptophan play an essential role in the quality of sleep.
  • We need to consume foods rich in tryptophan,  because thanks to this amino acid, our body will be able to synthesize serotonin and melatonin, so that they reach the nervous system.
  • The ideal is to eat dinner two hours before going to bed, to digest the food well so that the nutrients reach the blood stream.
  • In order for these compounds to reach the brain efficiently and get a good rest, we also need to be in the dark. Thus, avoid “overloading” yourself with the computer or the light of your cell phone.

1. Lean meats (chicken and turkey)

Their fat level is not very high and, in general, they digest well.

In addition,  chicken and turkey are dietary sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that will allow us to synthesize serotonin. Thanks to this neurotransmitter, we enter a state of well-being and rest.

To accompany chicken or turkey meat in a suitable way, you can, for example, prepare lemon turkey breast with asparagus.

2. Watercress salad

As you know, sometimes salads do not do us good in the evening, especially if we add vegetables which are difficult to digest, or which cause heaviness and gas.

However, watercress is a light vegetable, tasty and rich in vitamins C and B9 q ui are very important to regulate our moral and relax. In addition, these vitamins take care of our immune system!

3. Whole Grains Help You Get Better Sleep

Whole grains

Red rice is a whole grain rich in fiber that is able to increase serotonin levels.

Know that all whole grains are an interesting base to help us during times when we are suffering from stress and anxiety.

Serve your dinners with radishes and rye bread, for a very digestible meal rich in B vitamins.

4. Yes to a moderate amount of pulses

Broad beans or peas, for example, represent a light, satiating and healthy dinner.
These are vegetable proteins without cholesterol, which will offer us a very interesting contribution in vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9 and in magnesium.

The nutrients in these pulses will allow us to regulate the nervous system, in particular thanks to tryptophan. So if you pair them with salmon or turkey breast, you will have a terrific dinner!

5. Some artichokes with olive oil, vinegar and lemon

A few cooked artichoke hearts, with a little olive oil and vinegar, are a great choice that will fill you up and provide you with the nutrients you need for the last hours of the day.

Artichokes are excellent for lowering bad cholesterol: they metabolize fat and improve our digestion.

How do you feel about making yourself some artichokes for your dinner tonight? You will have a great night!

6. A tablespoon of honey before going to sleep helps you get better sleep

Many people have a habit of having a glass of warm milk with honey before going to sleep. However, if you don’t digest milk well,  you can combine honey with an oatmeal drink or just take a spoonful of bee honey.

Consuming honey before going to bed will bring many benefits to our liver. It is important to remember that while sleeping, this organ continues to work, purify, synthesize enzymes and metabolize.

The fructose and glucose present in honey will provide an adequate supply of hepatic glycogen during the evening. So you will sleep well and your body will continue to perform its functions adequately.

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