Halitosis: 3 Natural Remedies Based On Mint

Halitosis is not always due to poor oral hygiene. This is why we invite you here to discover some natural remedies to fight against bad breath.

Peppermint remedies are very effective in combating halitosis, a condition that very often embarrasses us.

Contrary to popular belief, a person with halitosis does not necessarily have poor oral hygiene. Several factors can be at the origin of this condition.

Digestive problems can, for example, lead to halitosis. Likewise, consuming strong foods such as onion, hot sauces or garlic is also a factor responsible for halitosis.

The first options that come to mind for combating halitosis are chewing gum and mouth sprays for bad breath. However, these remedies are not really natural.

If you want to fight halitosis the natural way, this article is for you. Discover here three natural mint remedies that will help you control your bad breath.

1. Halitosis: drink mint tea

mint tea for halitosis

The first mint remedy that we offer you for combating halitosis is mint tea.

If it is winter, this remedy is all the more recommended. On the other hand, if it’s summer, you might not feel like drinking hot tea very much, but you can always let it cool.

Rather than buying mint tea bags, we recommend that you opt for fresh mint leaves.


  • 4 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 container filled with water


  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the fresh mint leaves. Let it steep for a few minutes.
  • When the infusion is ready, let stand so that it cools down a bit.

2. Halitosis: chewing mint leaves

This mint remedy is the easiest remedy for halitosis.

Rather than carrying packets of chewing gum all the time, go for mint leaves. Remember to always carry mint leaves with you, especially if you are going out to eat or have coffee with a friend.

Two mint leaves will be enough to refresh your breath and thus fight against halitosis. For the leaves to work, chew them as long as possible. The general recommendation is between three and five minutes.

Don’t underestimate this remedy. This natural remedy will relieve your feeling of discomfort instantly.

3. Halitosis: drink a natural mint juice

mint to fight against halitosis

This mint remedy for halitosis is ideal in the summer, especially if you add ice cubes. Not only will this juice refresh you in a healthy way and fight your bad breath, but it will also soothe your stomach and help it get rid of toxins.

Remember that poor digestion is one of the main factors responsible for halitosis.

You can drink this juice at any time of the day. However, we advise you to drink it on an empty stomach, as you will better benefit from its benefits.


  • 1 good handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 2 kiwis in good condition
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 peach
  • Water (the amount of your choice)


  • First, wash the fruit well and cut them into pieces. Do the same with the fresh mint leaves.
  • Put all the ingredients in your blender. The amount of water will depend on your tastes. It’s up to you to decide if you want to drink a juice or if you want a smoothie instead . Same goes for honey: you can reduce the amount of honey listed if that makes the drink too sweet for you.
  • Mix well to obtain a perfectly homogeneous drink.

Have you ever used any of these mint herbal remedies for halitosis? Which of these remedies has given the best results?

If you suffer from halitosis, quickly try these three natural remedies that are simple to prepare and consume. We are sure they will help you fight this annoying condition.

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