“Having A Husband” Means 7 More Hours Of Work, According To One Study

Although it is widely accepted that women should take care of the household, it is evident that roles are changing and equity is more and more relevant in terms of segregation of duties.

The title of this article may bother a lot of people. Know that “to have or not to have a husband is NOT a direct cause” which makes women have more or less responsibilities in the household.

Are we just talking about the gender inequality that continues to exist in many families? This is what the University of Michigan studied in a research.

The results are clear and sharp: today, women are still primarily responsible for much of the household chores.

Of course, we cannot generalize.

We all know households where it is precisely the men who are responsible for almost everything, and there are also couples who have a perfectly fair distribution of household chores.

Let’s take a look at the data that this interesting study offers us.

Gender inequalities between husband and wife

The news is just not new. In fact, the University of Michigan used a database on family dynamics that the Institute for Social Research has been collecting since 1968.

The idea was to carry out a current survey to see how the distribution of domestic tasks had evolved over these decades.

The results were published by Reuters. We can summarize them as follows.

Inequality between husband and wife in the division of laborWoman-with-little-man-in-hand-1-500x328

It is true that the conscience is awakening and that the legal changes make it possible today to reconcile professional and family life for women. However, it is still the men who earn the most money.

  • It is the women who generally choose to give up their professional responsibilities temporarily or permanently to devote themselves to the education of their children and to the care of the household.
  • When there is equality of conditions, that is to say when both spouses work, it is still the women who devote the most time to the work of the house and dedicated to the children.
  • There are differences from generation to generation. Women over 60 spend up to 28 hours per week looking after the house. 

On the other hand, women who have 3 children are the ones who invest the most time in their education and in housework. Much more than their husbands.

  • The rest of women in couples spend an average of 7 hours per week more than their husbands on household chores.

These differences were much more marked in the past. In 1976, for example, the average hours women devoted to domestic chores was 26. Husbands’ hours were 6.

Inequality between husband and wife in the care of dependent personsEcological-measures-fireplace-500x334

This is one of the most important. A couple can perfectly divide the tasks of care and education of the children.

However, with regard to the care of dependent people, whether they are elders or other relatives with great physical limitations, the responsibility systematically falls on women.

The tradition and this pattern of roles where women are confined to the home taking care of domestic chores, care and attention to their loved ones are still very much present.

Let us state once again that of course each family has its own dynamics. There are indeed thousands of men, companions and husbands who take responsibility for these tasks.

However, according to this study from the University of Michigan, the differences are still notable.

Change consciousness and educate in equality

We have advanced slightly since the times of our grandmothers or our mothers. They were responsible for educating us and doing the housework.

Something must nevertheless be taken into account. A couple comes to their own agreements according to their realities and their particular needs.

  • Household chores are the responsibility of both if both work outside. On equal terms, equal investment.
  • If you come to an agreement where one of the two decides to stay home and look after the children the other works and brings the money home, that’s a respectable decision.
  • Real inequality happens when we are on equal terms, and only one is involved. Only one sacrifices his time while the other feels it is normal. That these are the “natural” roles .
  • It’s not good. It is necessary to change consciousness. To commit to gender equality, to equal responsibilities and opportunities.

To achieve this, we need a respectful education where we teach our very young children that we are all a great team, that men and women have equal rights, and that we are all people with needs and obligations.

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