Homemade Advice To Lower Your Bad Cholesterol

The human body contains two types of cholesterol: good, and bad cholesterol for the body.

Good cholesterol, also known as HDL, is fat that helps cleanse arteries and improve cardiovascular health in many areas.

For its part, bad cholesterol, known under the name of LDL, is a fat that accumulates in the artery walls, and which can clog them, then limiting blood circulation.

Although cholesterol is usually produced by the liver, it is estimated that 20 to 30% of all of this substance in our body comes from the diet.

It is for this reason that you should take special care in your diet if you have too high bad cholesterol levels.

In addition, you can also follow some tips, like the ones we will give you in the following lines, to keep your cholesterol levels under control.

Increase your vitamin intake

Consuming vitamins C, E and B is essential for cleaning the arteries and preventing the build-up of cholesterol.

These substances reduce it, and prevent it from damaging the body.

Foods rich in vitamin C prevent it  from attaching to the artery walls.

Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  • The lemon
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • The mandarin
  • The kiwi

Foods rich in vitamin E help flush excess bad cholesterol from the blood stream.

Among the foods rich in vitamin E, we find:

  • Flax seeds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Wheat germs

Foods rich in B-complex vitamins help prevent cholesterol from damaging the functioning of the liver.

Reduce your egg consumption

One egg contains 275 milligrams of cholesterol. However, it has been shown that moderate egg consumption does not increase egg levels.

To avoid raising your cholesterol levels, you can eat only the white of the egg, as the yolk contains much more of this harmful substance.

Avoid consuming saturated fat

It is very important to reduce your intake of saturated fats as much as possible, as they are very high in cholesterol.

These fats are found in beef and pork, butter, cheese, whole milk, and hydrogenated oils, among others.

You can replace these foods with fish, poultry, plant foods, and olive oil.

Watch your weight carefully

Overweight and obesity are two factors that affect health in many ways, as they  increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and are also directly related to the high levels of this compound.

If you are suffering from obesity, or overweight, it is very important to consult a nutritionist, so that he can help you regain a healthy and normal weight.

Avoid bad habits against bad cholesterol

Too much sedentarization or the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes are bad habits that are directly linked to the increase in bad cholesterol.

It is therefore very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, giving up these bad habits.

Eat raw garlic for cholesterol

Consuming raw garlic is one of the most powerful and effective remedies for fighting cholesterol.

This food contains antioxidants, and important nutrients that help cleanse the blood vessels and prevent it from sticking to the artery walls.

We recommend that you consume one clove of raw garlic on an empty stomach every day, to enjoy all of its benefits.

Consume flax seeds against bad cholesterol

Flax seeds against bad cholesterol.

Flax seeds are the largest plant source of omega 3 fatty acids that cleanse the arteries and prevent cholesterol from building up.

Consuming a handful of flaxseed helps prevent it from sticking to the walls, and prevents obstruction of these vessels which would be very dangerous.

This food can be added to salads, smoothies and desserts.

Think of apples

Thanks to its high pectin content, the apple is an ideal food for lowering cholesterol. Indeed, pectin helps to clean the arteries, and prevent it from adhering.

Eat canary seed milk and eggplant

Canary seed milk and eggplant are natural remedies that can be used as a supplement in a slimming diet, and that help lower cholesterol levels.

To prepare this remedy, you need to mix 2 spoonfuls of canary seed milk with a medium eggplant cut into pieces.

Pour these two ingredients into a saucepan, and boil them over low heat for 20 minutes.

When your mixture is ready, add the juice of a lemon, and drink it preferably on an empty stomach.

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